Getting ready for potty training

Being 6 months pregnant I was hoping to put off potty training with the 2 year old terror until after the baby arrives. I’ve heard it takes longer for boys. I really don’t fancy cutting the toddler terror out of pooey pants (a joy I have heard of). I really, really, don’t fancy being in the middle of shopping, in the jam aisle, to hear “Mummy I poo poo” then rush to the toilet to have it fall on the floor (true story happened to one of my friends).

However, in the spirit of a long lead time before the hardcore training began, I have been popping the toddler terror on the toilet, he does watch both me and daddy (fairly intently, its worse than when we had a cat follow us into the loo) and I have been gifted a couple of potty training books, our personal favourite being Pirate Pete’s Potty. All this did not prepare me for what happened today.

Off we went for a coffee date with a friend and her 1 year old, cue sitting on the grass, chilling out with a latte (decaf of course) watching the toddler terror show his little friend how cool it is to be able to walk and run around. And then he found the hole. A shallow hole. Filled with sandy mud that only those who have been in Dubai will know about. He played with the hole merrily for a while, filling with leaves, then removing the leaves, and adding sticks, and removing them. You know, the sorts of things that toddlers do. Next moment over he comes running over “Wipe Mummy” bemused I hand him one. Off he runs back to the hole.

Then the strange part.

He sits on the hole AS IF IT WAS A TOILET! And pretends to wipe himself. Oho I think, he is just role playing while having a poo in his nappy.

Much hilarious laughter from my friend later, I nearly thought she would wet herself, he comes running back over to me.

“Nappy off Mummy”

Needless to say I didn’t remove his nappy in the middle of the public grassy area, but took him to the toilet where I did remove his nappy. And he did sit on the toilet. And no he did not poo. And no he did not wee. But he did wipe himself. And flush. And wash his hands.

So, potty training is imminent. But I’m still hoping that its a little while off yet, my pregnant nose can’t cope with the thought of poo on the floor!



  1. Caro
    January 23, 2015 / 4:55 pm

    Haha! BRILLIANT! šŸ™‚ My boys are now 22 months and 'POTTY TRAINING' is looming over me like a dark shadow… I love this story!! I'll be interested to find out how it goes when you start for real! x #brillblogposts
    My recent post 106 weeks and 1 day | word of the week

  2. Bestie
    January 23, 2015 / 5:16 pm

    Cute! Love up both xxx

  3. January 23, 2015 / 6:50 pm

    Hehe, we are in the midst of it with my second, like to do it in the summer as so much easier! Can't imagine doing it while pregnant. Good luck. Thanks for linking up to #brilliantblogposts

  4. January 27, 2015 / 7:49 pm

    That made me chuckle, my son was 2 and half when it all clicked into place, but they are all so different and will do it when they are good and ready. But sounds as if he has grasped the idea at least.

  5. February 24, 2015 / 4:54 pm

    Lol, sounds like he is definitely getting ready for potty training – good luck with it all! Very funny moment though, thank you for sharing it with #ftmob šŸ™‚
    My recent post Birthday surprises

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