This week I pushed back my pregnancy update, not because of anything pregnancy related, I’m still here and baby is still cooking thankfully! But because yesterday was one of my best friends 30th birthday and as a result I thought what better way to say I love you than a post just for her. I hope she enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!
So onto me, last week saw me hit 35 weeks and a bump in the road, I’ve been on bi-weekly appointments. My mum was still here last Wednesday when I went in for my CTG at the doctors office which was lovely, we dropped the toddler at nursery, nipped out for breakfast and then headed down.
Blood pressure was good with me, the baby was good.
My next appointment was Sunday (not unusual as the working week here is Sunday – Thursday) and this time we had another scan checking on the baby, all is generally good with the baby, though my amniotic fluid is dropping slightly. At this point it should be between 10cm-20cm and mine is borderline 10cm, so again its plenty of rest, fluid, and feet up (don’t mind if I do!)
And as a precaution this week given the blood pressure and the fluid levels I have been given steroid shots. I had forgotten how much steroid injections HURT! Though at least they were given in my bum with the toddler shouting “Mummy having jection in bum, poorly bum, where’s your sticker?!” at me throughout which at least made me smile. This means that should anything happen before 37 weeks that needs me to deliver sooner then the baby will have a better chance of staying out of NICU. They think that steroids are most effective for a week after they have been given, as long as they have been given with 24 hours to take effect, so this takes me to 36+6 days and then its a full term baby – I have nearly made it!
So now, I am ready for a baby, they have booked as a precaution a C-Section date which we are keeping quiet for now, and it is liable to change at any moment with what’s happening with my blood pressure.
Looks like I should think about packing my hospital bag and I should definitely do some more work on the crossstitch!!!
And now without any more rambings from me… at 36 weeks.
Next week – 37 Weeks.