Meal Plan #5

Well bump turned into Baby Boy and so I missed last weeks meal plan as I was in hospital for most of the week! I’m home now and helping instruct the husband and the toddler in cooking whilst eating as much pate and brie as I can get my hands on….. 

Monday; Homemade Quiche Lorraine, with boiled potatoes and salad

I do love a good quiche and it’s something that I don’t see very often out here.  Luckily I do have an old recipe which is simple to make, so one (tantrummy) afternoon the husband and the toddler made this for dinner.  The pastry was a little wonky but it was full of bacon and quite frankly delicious, the whole lot went in a day.  And it was a big quiche.  Oops.

Tuesday; Burgers, potato salad and garden salad

We had leftover burgers and buns from our barbeque a couple of weeks ago week, it would have been rude not to eat them, and they are good “man” cooking food, no help required from me

Wednesday; Pasta Bake with Chorizo and Garlic Bread 

Simple, from a jar, loads of cheese and oozy bread.  Delicious, need to keep my energy up now I am breast feeding…

Thursday; Takeaway

Takeaway treat and I am still craving curry.  My personal pick is a mild, creamy, chicken korma.  

Side note; we have found the BEST curry house in Dubai, that delivers to us (we are in the Springs for those of you in Dubai….) and it tastes like a curry you’d get back in the UK.  Funnily enough, this is the sister house of a UK curry house that is based down the road from my Aunty in the UK.  Enough suspense – it’s Hungry Tiger!

Friday; RARE Fillet Steak with Chips and Champagne

In my opinion the only way to eat steak.  ONLY way.  So I have missed this my whole pregnancy.  The husband is also an expert at cooking this for me.

Champagne is just a given really…

An old favourite and staple in our house.  One of those recipes that was concocted when we had a bit of chicken and an old tired pepper in, along with a bucketful of imagination.

Sunday; Pan fried salmon with garlic butter and potatoes

Salmon, pan fried and served with a knob of garlic butter on top, alongside boiled new potatoes.
Nice, simple, fresh and only a little bit of instruction from me.  I will increase the husbands repertoire if it kills me!


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