Now I know I have been busy with moving house and getting ready for the new baby (incidentally according to the toddler “baby bringing big buzz lightyear” so I hope daddy knows as I don’t think there’s one in the bump!) But as I have realised recently, the toddler is growing up and changing.
So I am trying to write down some of my favourite toddler sayings and our little ritual, like our nursery walk wheeeeeeeeee!
Here are the little gems that pop out of my little gems mouth at the moment.
In the kitchen
“I use the greedies, make cake, more cake Mummy? I cool it down”
Generally when he is playing with his kitchen, for those of you who can’t translate greedies is actually ingredients. And mummy obviously likes cake a lot, and cookies, and ice cream, as that’s all I get brought! Except when he’s playing the same game in the bath, then I get cups of tea.
“Mummy cup of tea, very hot, cool down, you want more cup of tea?”
With the stacking cups filled with bubbles from the bath!
My little kitchen helper with his “greedies”
We all know one of the easiest foods to feed toddlers is fishfingers, well in this house we don’t serve fishfingers we serve “Fishmingos”
And if I happen to be eating something he likes the look of…
“I try it – ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh” (signifying open mouth)
In the car
Not actually concerned with driving but the process of getting in the car.
“Me do it, climb in the car”
And when I’ve finally grabbed his ankle and pulled him back so I can strap him in the car seat.
“Turn the tummy off”
Which is his way of telling me to pull his t-shirt down to cover his tummy when his t-shirt has ridden up.
Tummy is firmly “OFF”
In the bath
Kind of linked with cooking, the toddler terror likes to serve me cups of tea in the bath!
“More cup of tea Mummy? You drink it”
“I kiss your face, I kiss your other face”
The french double kiss
This is my favourite! What about you? What are your toddlers favourite sayings?