The last few weeks we have been singing a lot of the Incy Wincy, or Itsy Bitsy depending on who you speak to, spider. You know, the little spider who gets washed out by the rain until the sun dries it all up. So for today’s toddler craft I decided to look at making some props to go along with our singing out of some of the pieces that we had lying around.
First up we had a go at making a reversible spider/sun, to first climb up the water spout, before being washed out by the rain, then showing the sun coming out.
Then we had a go at making some stand up spiders. Here is our how-to-guide for these easy, spider related, toddler crafts.
Incy Wincy Spider Toddler Craft
Reversible Sun-Spider Toddler Craft
What you need
4 Cardboard circles (paper plates would work fantastically for bigger spiders)
Yellow Card
Black Paint
Yellow Paint
Googly Eyes
How to do it
1. If you are using cardboard (from a cereal box for example) draw round a plate or cup to get a circle and cut out 4. Otherwise, congratulate yourself on the foresight for having paper plates in!
2. Paint 2 of the circles black and 2 of the circles yellow. Leave to dry.
3. Paint one side of the yellow card black, leave to dry. Alternatively if you have a piece of black card you could stick it to the yellow card so you have one side yellow and one side black.
4. Once everything is dried cut 4 long strips from the card to act as your legs. If your circle is bigger than your card you will need to cut 8 equal length strips.
5. Laying the painted side of the black circle down spread with glue before placing 4 card strips across, black side down yellow side up.
6. Stick the yellow circle on top.
7. Clamp together until dry then add googly eyes to the spider.
8. One sunny spider to use a prop to your song.
Toilet Roll Spider Toddler Craft
What you need
Toilet Roll
Black Paint
Googly Eyes
How to do it
1. Paint the toilet roll black
2. Cut into the toilet roll 9 times to make 8 legs
3. Fold the “legs” back
4. Stick on the eye