June Bucket List

I had completely forgotten that it was June.  JUNE.  Already.  At the end of this month half of 2015 will have gone.

My late realisation that it is June has meant that I’m a little late to the party with my monthly bucket list, I think one of this months tasks needs to be get organised!

As always I’m linking up with the lovely Beth from Twinderelmo and I just want to take a moment to say thank you to her for running such a brilliant linky.  This is one that really helps me stay focussed and there is nothing like being able to tick things off your list.

May Bucket List Reviewed

1.  Head to a family friendly brunch, start baby boy young.

We went to Al Bahou Brunch while my mum was here for her birthday.  Baby Boy was two weeks old and slept through most of it.  The toddler terror on the other hand….

2.  Indulge in a few barbecues before the weather gets too hot

It’s hot now.  So hot.  But we can definitely tick this one as every weekend in May saw us barbecuing.  We are even foolish brave enough to hold one this weekend.  Temperatures outside are hitting 42/43.  Crazy.

3.  Find a new nursery…

This has been on my list since I began.  I’ve now bitten the bullet and found a lovely nursery that’s 10 minutes away.  We start September!

4.  Finish decorating both kids rooms<

Big tick.  Baby Boy with his Personalised Print and the Toddler Terror with his aeroplanes.

5.  Start my exercise program

I’ve started slowly with a specially designed postnatal Pilates program.  It’s a start.

6.  Continue blogging and promoting my blog with linkys and featured series.   Looking to keep evolving!

I did it!  I moved to my own domain!!

#travelwithme is still going well and I have an idea for a new series.  I’ve been busy joining up to linkys and excitingly have started as a co-host for #effitfriday.

In other semi blog related news I am now a Huffington Post contributor as well as becoming a contributor for local website Sassy Mama Dubai with my first piece on handcrafted gifts being published yesterday!

7.  Say goodbye to my best friend in Dubai

This was a hard one, myself and the Toddler waves goodbye to our best friends.  It’s been a strange month without them.

8.  Find some independent craft for the toddler

I managed one piece with making some Incy Wincy Spiders,but really need to find more.  I need to keep hopping on #toddlerapprovedtuesday.

9.  Deal with 2 children on my own

I’m still here and still blogging…

June Bucket List

1.  Survive the flight to the UK on my own with both boys

We are headed to the UK to escape some summer heat along with Ramadan.  As the husband has no holiday with all our upcoming exciting travel plans I am flying with both of them on my own.


If you’re on the Abu Dhabi Etihad flight to Manchester on the 25 June at 10:40 and see a slightly deranged mum trying to baby wear both a toddler and a fairly small baby that would be me, please come say hi!


2.  Plan a fantastic holiday for the 3 of us while we are in the UK

I am treating our stay in the UK as a holiday and I plan to pack as much as I can into our three and a half weeks centred round Derby and the midlands.

So far I have Cbeebies Land, the Farm, Thomas Land but I am open to any suggestions.

3.  Exercising!  Continue with the online Pilates and start the couch to 5k

My aim is to complete the pilates videos three times a week and start to run when I head back to the UK to get into the swing of things so I can hopefully keep that up when I head back to Dubai in July.

Joanna Helcke Screen Shot of the Pilates program

4.  Move Baby Boy to his own room

Baby Boy is now starting to get a little bit big for his Moses basket so the time has come for him to go in his big boy cot.


5.  Start cross stitching again

I haven’t finished the cross stitch for Baby Boy.  It is still in process.  Maybe it will be finished before he’s one….I hope.

6.  Find some independent craft for the toddler

I need to carry this one forward!

7.   And again, I have to put this on here, keep growing with the Blog

I feel like I am really getting somewhere with the blog.  I am so proud of myself for where I have got to in just 5 short months and I am very excited to see where I can go with it.

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