Last month #blogstorm arrived. We have had such an amazing and positive response, it seems you all love a good blog tip post as much as we do.
And now the storm has arrived (again)
Welcome to the second edition of #blogstorm. A monthly blog linky, opening on the 29th of each month and staying open for 2 weeks, for any and all blogging related posts hosted by myself and the lovely Martyn from Inside Martyn’s Thoughts.
Last month saw 32 links to make you a better blogger, and as promised, both myself and Martyn have picked our favourite.
I loved occupation: (m)other’s post on 8 things she has learnt by not blogging. A useful reminder that there is life outside the blog and one I need to heed (and I am really trying!)
Martyn’s couldn’t decide between Tim’s “Why I’m Not Reading Your Blog” and Toni’s “5 Ways to be a Better Blogger” both well worth a read, in fact Tim’s post inspired me to change my whole blog when I first read it all those months ago!

This week I am linking up a post on how I approach brands and Martyn is linking up 7 tips on working with brands.
Our rules are simple:
1. Link up as many blogging related posts as you want, just remember to add the badge to any post you link
2. Add your link using the Inlinkz button below, that will add your post to this post. Not sure how to do it? There is a fantastic guide from The Dad Network that can be found here.
3. Comment on this post and at least 2 other linked up posts that tickle your fancy. Its commenting and sharing the love that makes this community great.
4. Remember to tweet your link using #blogstorm. Make sure to tweet us (@Laura_BabyKicks and @Mr_Kitney and we will be sure to RT)
5. If you want to pop by and say hi, we won’t bite and we love to connect with you guys.
Life with Baby Kicks is on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
Inside Martyn’s Thoughts on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
The linky opens on the 29th each month and stays open for 2 weeks.
The storm has arrived, will you get caught in it?
Thanks for your linky; I’m joining in with another Klout post: all you need to know about giving K+ 🙂
Klout is still not my friend! 🙂