You have to love them and the funny things that they come out with.
Jumping in the bath with the boys last week, actually let me rephrase that, jumping in the bath with the boys, the squirty bath toys, the foam letters and half the cast of Planes that we have collected since we came home my most dreaded question came up. You know the where is your willy question.
Except it wasn’t quite as simple as that. Nope. The conversation in question has me reaching for the phone to book a personal grooming session…..
Toddler Terror; Mummy?
Mummy; Yes Poppet?
Toddler Terror; You get in my bath with me?
Mummy; Yes my love *removing last item of clothing*
Toddler Terror; Mummy?
Mummy; mmmmhmmm? *trying to climb in the bath whilst holding the baby*
Toddler Terror; Is that a monkey?
Mummy; What? Where?! *looks around frantically for any form of monkey, toy or otherwise*
Toddler Terror; Is that your monkey? Instead of your willy?
Mummy; *hangs head in shame at lessons in personal grooming from a 2 year old*
What gems have your little ones come out with?
And ladies, just what do you call your lady bits? I’m not feeling monkey……
I don’t have any suggestions for you, but I will say this is really funny
My husband found it hilarious when I told him too! Me less so….
Ha Ha! My big one is convinced my willy fell off and there’s no talking him out of it! Thanks for linking up to #FridayFrolics
I think that’s preferable to being the owner of a monkey…..
Ahaha! Well that is original. I haven’t got to that stage yet. I pray we never get to that stage. I know. I am in denial 🙂 #FridayFrolics
Haha I’m still in denial that it’s happened!!
Haha! Hilarious! Thankfully, haven’t had any of these questions yet! &, with two girls, presumably I won’t be the one getting questions! I have no good name suggestions, but I agree monkey is not good! #ftmob
Haha thanks for commenting! Nope it will be all on daddy to answer questions! X
My son is impressed by the size of my ‘muscles’ on my chest…
x Alice
Ooh muscles. I like it!
HaHa! Yep, that’s totally original and it’s not something I’ve ever heard before.
Whilst the boys have never passed comment about my wives ‘bits’, I’ve had a few come my way before now, with the memorable one being
‘My goodness day, that’s really hairy. Can’t you cut some of that wire off?’
And haha some more! X
Lol, that is brilliant – very funny! We just use the term “girlie bits” – I haven’t managed to think of anything that seems better which doesn’t make me cringe – it works for now. Thankfully Jessica has yet to make any comments about anatomy so haven’t had to deal with this yet! Thanks for sharing with #ftmob 🙂
I’ve still not managed to book myself a grooming session…. x