Holidays Closer to Home #IrelandsBeautifulDrives

Since I met the husband travelling has  been a big part of my life.  One drunken promise from him that he was going to show me the world.

And he has.

From sitting on top of temples in Cambodia watching the sunset to swimming with sharks in the Perhentian Islands.  From lost bags and the disastrous tango show in Buneos Aires to chilled holidays in Cyprus.  From traipsing round in the midday sun looking for a hostel in Florianopolis to the ultimate in luxury in Bali.

Angkor Wat Cambodia
Angkor Wat, Cambodia

We’ve tried a little bit of everything together and then along came the boys.  The boys certainly haven’t dampened our enthusiasm for travel they’ve just altered how we look to holiday.  Those annual leave days the husband gets from work are precious and to be spent wisely you see….

Holidays Closer to Home

Last year we took a trip to Portugal, rented a car, rented a villa and had the freedom of exploring knowing we had a large home base to head back too. That when the boys were in bed we wouldn’t have to tiptoe round or go to bed ourselves. Plus the added benefit it was only a short flight and the time zone was the same that we left behind in the UK having been there for my brothers wedding.

It worked really well for us, and while I love the exotic nature of travelling to far flung lands there’s a lot to be said for travelling closer to home shores and really exploring.


This year our closer to home getaway is moving even closer with plans to head to Dublin in Ireland. Predominantly to see friends but also so my crazy husband can do the Dublin marathon with his aim of beating his Barcelona time of 3 hours 52 minutes.

I’ve only ever been to Ireland once, despite having Irish friends and Irish roots (well I would do with half my family coming from the Wirral near Liverpool) and even then it was for a 30th birthday so drinking and a-dancing. Going with children is a slightly different kettle of fish. We need a car to get us around and to open up the exploration. It’s no longer about wine and hangovers, but scenery and running around.

We’ve done a fair few drives of considerably distance with the boys, including travelling round Sri Lanka, and I was delighted to be featured with my top tips when driving with children as part of the #IrelandsBeautifulDrives eBook.

My Beautiful Drives Book Page
My page in the #IrelandsBeautifulDrives Book

I loved looking through the book, gaining inspiration of where we could set off to explore after the marathon to see the lush green fields, to go find where St Patrick stepped into Ireland to chase away the snakes, to head to Baltimore, to watch the waves crash round the rocks.

Now all I need to do is convince the husband we need to stay longer than the weekend…..

If you’d like to look at the eBook Ireland’s Beautiful Drives it can be downloaded . I take no responsibility for you then deciding you need to head to Ireland.



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