It’s Friday once again, and that can mean only one thing, #effitfriday is back for all things ranty.
Any rant big or small is welcome. Funny or serious it doesn’t matter, all that matters is that you got it off your chest when you wrote it.
This week I’m sharing an old rant, purely because it fits in with the fact that it is in fact the start of April today. And nothing at all to do with the fact my head has been up my bum having moved out of our villa, into a serviced apartment, ready for our big move home. Nothing at all. Honest.
My #effitfriday Rant
Did you know that April is Caesarean Section Awareness month? I didn’t either until last year when I had the Baby, in April (the 16th to be precise), by emergency c-section (again, my children have a penchant for birth drama it would seem). And then I saw an awful, awful meme. Hours after having the surgery that would save my life, that would save the Baby’s life. Telling me I didn’t really give birth. I took the easy option.
So it seems fitting at the start of April to re-share my rant on How My C-Sections Don’t Make Me Less of a Mother.
My #effitfriday Rant of the Week
Did you propose to your husband? Did you drop a BIG hint (I did). Did you worry about getting squashed in Rhodes, or on the road. Do you have little eavesdroppers listening in to everything?! And take it all literally…..this is why just why 2016 is a rubbish leap year according to the *not quite* Duchess of Cambridge, also known as Polly the Right Royal Mother…..
Now grab the badge and lets get ranting.
The Badge

As always there are only 2 rules for #effitfridays:
1. Add the badge to your post
2. Comment on at least 2 other posts INCLUDING the post directly before yours. Commenting is what makes linkys work and we all love a bit
Please feel free to link as many posts as you wish.
Make sure to tweet me your link on Twitter @Laura_BabyKicks using #effitfriday and I will be sure to retweet for you.
The linky will run from 6am GMT Friday till 23:55pm GMT Tuesday.