It’s Friday which can mean but one thing here on Life with Baby Kicks – #effitfriday the ultimate rant linky party is back for all things ranty. Any rant big or small is welcome. Funny or serious it doesn’t matter, all that matters is that you got it off your chest when you wrote it.
You may or may not have seen across various social media outlets, that the Husband is coming visiting (wheeeee!!) he landed last night and we have a short break planned to spend time together as a family. Due to the last minute nature that is my very personality I haven’t had time to find a ranty co-host so this is your warning that #effitfriday won’t be on next week, we will just be back from our holiday down the road and I will be busy preparing for both #BML16 and the husbands departure back to Dubai.
My #effitfriday Rant
I have a lovely rant in my head, half written, surrounding parenting advice. It’s still half written as I’ve been using my blog as a brain dump for everything else and this week I’m sharing a rant that isn’t really a rant. It’s more an emotional letter to my eldest, who is bearing the brunt of this relocation across tiny 3 year old shoulders. Who is being shouted at more than I ever want to shout at anyone, let alone my children. He is struggling too. I am struggling. This is my letter to my expat kid on leaving his expat life.
My #effitfriday Rant of the Week
My rant this week goes to Fran from Back with a Bump, if you haven’t read any of Fran’s blog before then I urge you to go and read. Her rant was on not being good enough for TV, but I implore you all to watch this. Oliver William Jones, you were TOO good for TV what a beautiful boy xx
Now grab the badge and lets get ranting.
The Badge

As always there are only 2 rules for #effitfridays the ultimate rant linky:
1. Add the badge to your post
2. Comment on at least 2 other posts INCLUDING the post directly before yours. Commenting is what makes linkys work and we all love a bit
Please feel free to link as many posts as you wish.
Make sure to tweet me your link on Twitter @Laura_BabyKicks using #effitfriday and I will be sure to retweet for you (as best I can my Twitter and my laptop are not currently playing ball together)
The linky will run from 6am GMT Friday till 23:55pm GMT Tuesday.
Thanks for hosting x
Thanks for hosting and inspiring!