“You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth”
Kahlil Gibran
This year I am taking part in Living Arrows, a weekly photography project taking photos of my boys week on week, last week was all about how I creep into the boys room every night and watch them sleep.
Last week was also a week of solo parenting for me as my husband enjoyed a trip to Cambodia with his Dad. Viewing the ancient sights of Angkor Wat while I was stuck in Qatar tearing my hair out.
All jokes aside, last week was actually fine. The time passed quickly because we were so busy. My biggest worry was the weekend, when you’re in your daily routine life is simple. When it comes to the weekend with vast gaps to fill you start to panic. Luckily we had a jam packed weekend with football practice, soft play, a birthday barbecue, the park and a birthday party. Not to mention our Thursday night sleepover! We had a lot of cake…
Thursday Night Sleepover
My biggest’s living arrow photo this week is a mummy and son shot. Thursday night marks the start of the weekend here in Doha and often we arrange so my biggest gets the chance to have a sleepover with us in bed. Just because Daddy wasn’t here didn’t mean we didn’t do it. On the contrary, because Daddy wasn’t here we had the bed to ourselves. After getting the little one to sleep we just jumped in to watch Planes and snuggle up under the duvet.
After getting the obligatory funny face selfie, naturally.
Even better was that in actual fact I was asleep by 8pm and had the best night sleep of the week! A far cry from the sleep overs of my younger days.
Sugar Highs
After the sleepover began our weekend of all things cake. Barni cakes as a thank you for being so good round the shop, gluten free birthday cake, rainbow birthday cake and home made ice cream (not made by me, though I do make a mean Crunchie Ice Cream)

Fab pictures! I love getting shots with me and the kids though it seems to happen pretty rarely!! #livingarrows
Ahh, sleepovers are fun, sugar high not so much! Haha! Such cute photos <3
Fab fun photo! A sleepover sounds fun and you can beat ice cream x #LivingArrows
I love your sleepover tradition – what a lovely way to start the weekend and I am insanely jealous of your 8pm bedtime! x