Ah. Bedtime questions, perfect for one obsessed with sleep wouldn’t you say?! It’s safe to say I literally squealed with joy when the lovely Abbie at MamaWilkos tagged me in The Bedtime Tag. I mean writing about sleep, it’s my forte….
The bedtime tag questions
Describe your usual bedtime routine.
Here in Qatar we start early. Work begins at 6:30am for my husband and school starts at 7am. That means everything else also starts early, including my bedtime routine.
For us, it’s often a case of eating dinner with the boys at 5pm so that by the time we come back downstairs from putting them to bed we can quite literally sit and chill out. With Netflix, I was just a bit loathe to say “Netflix and Chill” with all of those connotations which are too much for us sleep deprived parents to comprehend at the moment….
Anyway, our choices do not match I’m a Jane the Virgin fan and he totally refuses to watch it. I mean, totally. So together we’ve been watching Designated Survivor. And of course Suits, I love Harvey Specter…
Sometimes we get a little bit fancy and have a bath before bed (not together mind you – our baths aren’t big enough but we do happen to have five in our house. Yes, five baths. Don’t ask….) so sometimes sneak back downstairs in my super soft hooded bathrobe to spend another few minutes perving on Harvey Specter. What can I say? He makes my laminated list (and if you don’t get the Friends reference you’re too young to be reading this!)
What are your favourite pyjamas?
I’m most definitely a pyjama kind of person, though every night I kick off my bottoms and only put them on to wear downstairs in the morning. It’s kind of understandable given that we live in the Middle East and it’s hotting up for summer…
Not only that, but bedtime is all about comfort and I love this style of PJs from the David Nieper luxury ladies nightwear collection.

I don’t very often get new pyjamas though, it tends to be a Christmas Eve luxury from my mum!
What is your current bedtime reading?
I’ve recently joined a book club to motivate me to read more, however I’ve still not managed to finish the book we set this month instead I’ve been busy reading through some of my old chick lit. You can’t go wrong with an easy read Jill Mansell.
I have also just finished Girl on the Train, albeit not at bedtime, but that was a fantastic read. A total page turner.
What would I find on your bedside table?
A frozen bottle of milk, because you know my two year old still wakes up through the night and needs milk to go back to sleep and I’d rather let it thaw than head downstairs to get it. The MOST bizarre orange lamp that gives the room a kind of brothel like glow. My watch box and a teetering pile of books…
What scent makes you sleepy?
Ever since I had a sleep consultation for my eldest who was three at the time and waking up all through the night, I’ve taken to using lavender oil. I pinch the monster spray from the boys room and spray it round mine.
What? No monsters are coming to get me either.
What is your usual bedtime and wake up time?
Early and earlier?
We tend to be in bed by 9pm with a view of being asleep before 9:30pm. On a school night we sometimes go up as early as 8pm. Makes me feel much better, but not so good on the blogging front where I should be working away.
We are up EARLY. A lie in is anything from 6-6:30am. My children. The early birds. Me? The exhausted pigeon.
What are your top three bedtime products?
- Toothbrush and Colgate toothpaste. I love the feeling of brushing your teeth before you get into bed.
- Lavender oil made into monster spray (or just mixed with water in a water spray bottle)
- Soft cotton sheets to snuggle up under.
What is your most common sleeping position?
Flat on my face. I’m a tummy sleeper through and through, both the boys take after me.
Do you have anything you like to take to bed with you?
My husband? If he’s home I need him to come up to be with me, and if he goes before me I quickly pack up and follow!
What is your worst bedtime habit?
Snoring apparently….
The rules of the bedtime tag
Step 1: Thank the person who nominated you, and link back to their blog.
Step 2: Display the Bedtime badge; which you can find at the top of this post. (save the picture)
Step 3: Answer the ten questions included above.
Step 5: Nominate between three and five fellow bloggers to take part, and set them the questions.
And my nominees are
Hannah from Hi Baby Blog
Danielle from Someone’s Mum
Sarah from Run Jump Scrap
Susan from You are my Sunshine
Jade from The Newly Weds