I love a good rant. Even more than that I love to read what other people are ranting about and getting all hetup on their behalf.
Ranting is good for the soul.
And even better than a normal rant is a rant that a 2 year old would be proud of. You know, the throw yourself on the floor, scream and kick until the world is a better place again?
Which is why the lovely Rod from Modern Dad Pages and I are delighted to debut #effitfridays the ultimate ranty linky, you know, just because. Each week we will each pick our rant of the week to feature in the following weeks #effitfriday

We have only 2 rules for #effitfridays:
1. Add the badge to your post
2. Comment on at least 2 other posts.
Please feel free to link as many posts as you wish. If you want to share your post via twitter, make sure to tweet us (@Laura_BabyKicks and @moderndadpages) using #effitfriday and we will be sure to retweet for you.
The linky will run from 6am GMT Friday till 6am GMT Wednesday.
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