Life with Baby Kicks began in January 2015 as a way to document my second pregnancy and share our expat life with family and friends. Coming on leaps and bounds since the early days receiving thousands of visitors per month from round the globe, I’m still documenting our daily life, baking mishaps and travel adventures round the world; across Life with Baby Kicks and my social media channels.
I have grown an engaged social media following of 21.1k across Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, with all platforms continuing to grow at a steady rate. Alongside this my Klout score is 70%.
Contact Me
Please email me on for more details – I even have a swanky new media kit these days.
My Achievements
I am a featured Huffington Post contributor with my most popular Huffington Post article “11 Types of Mum You Meet at Baby Group” going viral, featuring as the 6th most popular post of 2015.
I have also contributed to Sassy Mama Dubai in Dubai, articles including “Newborn Gifts in Dubai” and “Seven of the Best Travel Toys”.
How I Can Help You
I am always looking to building long lasting relationships with brands. As well as brand ambassadorship I can also offer product reviews, sponsored posts, both on my site or yours, social media management and placement as well as advertisement in various forms. I am always looking at innovative ways to work with brands so please get in touch and we could work on something new together.
Hi Laura,
Thanks for sharing Lego Pop-Up shop, my nephews love legos!!
Stumble upon your blog and what an impressive achievement! Congrats!
i just moved to Dubai in March 2015 (originally from Perth West Aust), have an 11 month old baby boy. Planning birthday party at the moment, but I’m getting side tracked here. I’ve started my little home business and wondering if somehow we can work together?
I design and customise baby shower invitations, birthday invitations, birthday boards, birth announcement and (I’m hoping this will be my point of difference) I also offer customised photo templates (allows parents to ‘scrapbook’, but I’m doing it for them), to see what I mean please look at
I believe that as parents (mom’s in particular) we take thousands of photos of our child everyday. But because storage is easy and cheap nowadays, we don’t have to sort and choose which photos to print. We keep them all. Then what? Some aspire to scrapbook, but I personally struggle to find the time. So I’m introducing the photo templates where mom’s can upload select photos of their kids’ special memories (typically these are their “first” experience) jot down some notes about that particular photo and I will present it nicely in a customised template. From there they can print, frame, or have a whole stack of them and bind it into a book of firsts.
I’m hoping you can help me introduce my business to Dubai. Or at least provide me with some feedback in regards to my approach, my concept, any feedback will be appreciated.