Now that indeed is the question. This pregnancy is flying by, so much so I can’t quite believe that in 3 months the little poppet in question will be here. I still don’t really feel THAT pregnant.
Thats inspite of the baby kicks, the rolls, the heartburn, the bad sleeping, the horrendous snoring when I finally sleep (sorry oh dear husband!), the waddle that’s just beginning, oh and the baby bump to remind me.
At this point in pregnancy, with the toddler terror, we had the whole room set up, the nursery painted, the pram bought, the useless (for us) baby bouncer purchased. Mini clothes bought and lovingly packed away waiting to be washed.
This time round? We have bought nothing. NADA. Nil.
All the things that we are planning on reusing are currently either claimed and occupied by their big brother, or still in storage with no plans to move it down until we move (the current plan being to do so at 8 months pregnant, got to love Dubai’s eviction policy and the way to rent is by only looking 2 weeks before, fun times!) so this week I decided it was this babies turn to have some focus on them for a change, and to look at buying them something of their very own – a babywearing tool!And so this week saw me venture to a coffee morning meeting led by Dubai Babywearing to see exactly what I could use. Now from 6 months onwards, again, poor baby will be receiving another handmedown in the form of my beloved Ergobaby but I was torn between what wraps to use for a newborn to allow me to play with said toddler terror and have my hands free.

Now although I LOVE my Ergo (and I think this is a slight understatement) the 2 things that are stopping me using it from newborn are:
1. You need an insert. This is VERY padded. Like a mini sleeping bag, not so good living in Dubai when summer temperatures can hit 50+
2. The baby is held very upright and I never did work out how to do the loosening of straps to allow for feeding.
This has led me to the world of wraps.
Now not having a baby yet, I have narrowed this down to 2, a ring sling or a stretchy wrap. So the coffee talk was an opportunity to decide which is better for me and my lifestyle.
The ringsling, offered me versatility, in such that I could get the baby in a lying down position to feed and I could even stick the toddler terror in the sling. So I tried. And he is heavy. And why would I bother when I have my beloved Ergo??Now I can see why people use these, but I think for me, the weight on one shoulder, the hair getting caught in the rings, the swapping shoulders with feeding, have all put me off. So this baby will not be going in the ring sling.
The next school of thought, was the wrap. These have forever put me off with their look of complicated tying, coupled with the chance I might have a(NOTHER) c section and the thought that I might have to tie the knot across my scar.Well.
My mind was changed completely this morning.
The way it goes on, though it looks like it might take some work, appears to be relatively simple. And the big tip of the day; put it on before you go out and about anywhere!! I got the live demo this morning, but the tying of the wrap is shown simply in this YouTube tutorial (I have a feeling this will feature heavily in my future) the baby is simply slotted in and it reminds me of a kangaroo pouch. There is no need for me to tie the knot at the front where any potential scar is but I can do it at the side, there are no buckles, or parts that my hair can get caught in, its not big or bulky to carry round, they are WASHABLE (big plus for the baby puke I foresee in my future). The downside? The stretchy wraps aren’t designed as they get bigger, but hey I have my beloved Ergo for that!
So what now? Well it appears that I need to get hold of Daddy’s credit card and go and make my first second baby purchase……the Boba wrap Yippee!