Cross stitch crafting

Now I’m not a particularly creative person,  I try with activities with the toddler terror but our Pinterest projects never quite look right.
Before the terror was born,  back in the delightful heady days of first pregnancy when I had hours of time to myself I decided to cross stitch a birth announcement.  My way to get excited about the terror and mark his arrival.   Though at the time I didn’t know the terror was a he,  so plumped for a lovely Noah’s Ark Cross Stitch.  That I started at 13 weeks pregnant, and finished the day before the terror arrived.

Now at the time I didn’t even think about having more children.   It was the last thing on my mind.   Then here I am pregnant again. 

And you guessed it, cross stitching again.

What I had forgotten, and swiftly learnt as an imminent mother of 2, what you do for one you must do for the other.

What I am also swiftly learning, is that pregnancy with a toddler is very very different.  Much less free time, much more exhausting.

And so I am onto my newest project.  And as you can see the 20 weeks I’ve been doing this I haven’t made that much headway.

The highlighted yellow is what I’ve done, the rest… be done.

Still,  another 10 weeks until due date.

Which could end up being 8 weeks if my OBGYN gets his way.

I’m sure it will get there.

I hope.

Will keep you updated…..

Disclaimer; this post contains affiliate links.  This means if you click on the link and purchase the item I receive a commission.  I only recommend products that I have tried and tested myself.


1 Comment

  1. June 22, 2015 / 4:10 pm

    Awesome Article,
    Thanks for sharing of information and knowledge or also shared with my friend to watch this bolg.

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