May Bucket List

I can’t believe that it’s already May.  Where has 2015 gone? I started the year pregnant and now I am the proud owner of a two week old baby boy.  Who’s arrival formed most of my April Bucket List.
And speaking of which, here is how I did with April.

April’s Bucket List Reviewed

1. Have the baby!  And try to make it to at least 37 weeks (which is actually Monday the 6th….gulp)

Task completed on the 16th April.  Not quite the natural birth I planned but another c-section of the emergency variety.  I am just happy that he is here healthy and happy no matter what way he came out.  Quite ironic that he was born by c-section in Caesarean Awareness Month as well.... here he is.

Born at 38 weeks and 3 days so I made it past my goal.
2. Continue meal planning and double up on some recipes so we have enough to eat healthily when the baby arrives
Didn’t quite manage the freezer quantities but I am still meal planning and I have done the next best thing to stocking the freezer, I have my mum here looking after me.
3. Have a family photo shoot with the lovely Sophia Mattia Photography, either an end of pregnancy family shoot or with the new arrival
I am hoping for third time lucky with Sophia, the family photo shoot will include baby boy!  First time booked I had baby boy the next day and out rescheduled date poor Sophia had laryngitis and is on a lot of antibiotics and rest (with her one year old, not sure how that is working for her!) And so as baby boy is so little and she is so poorly we need to reschedule when she is better.

This WILL be happening though, I cannot wait to get some photos of the four of us and not be behind the camera.  Even if it means plucking my eyebrows (hated beauty task!)
4. Finish off the decorating of the toddler room making it extra special with the wall decal design (so excited about this one!)
We have the decal design ready to go…. again going in to have Baby Boy has slowed this down from my side.  I can tell you that the design is gorgeous and e walls studio have been incredibly patient with this picky mummy!
5. I am going to have to put the finding a new nursery back on the list as it does need to be done….
Still not done and time is running out.
6. And finally, a blogging one, keep promoting my new featured blogging series “Travel with me…” to keep the series running and find out more blogging holiday adventures!
Ooh this one is doing well, I have a guest feature blogger every other Friday (with a couple in a row whilst I get back on my feet following baby boy) and I am scheduled up until June with some fantastic bloggers, holidays and days out being featured!  I am loving meeting new bloggers through this and discovering new places to go.  Always on the look out for more bloggers to join in so if you have any holiday or days out with children you’d love to share please get in touch with me on to feature on Travel with Me.
So all in not too bad at all.  And as has been pointed out on Twitter, the fact that baby boy is here should count for my whole list being ticked off.  I’ll take that!

May Bucket List

1.  Head to a family friendly brunch, start baby boy young.

Those not in Dubai may not know about the legend that is brunch, an all singing, all dancing food and drink (wiiiinnnne!) Extravaganza that lasts 3 or so hours.  We are planning on heading to a couple this month while we have visitors.

2.  Indulge in a few barbecues before the weather gets too hot

The thermostat is creeping up already and we are at mid-thirties everyday now.  The dial is only going up and we have a shiny new barbecue that the husband has just learnt how to use.  And cooks a mean sausage on.  We have at least one planned then it might be time for the barbecue to go into retirement until October.

3.  Find a new nursery…

Rolling on from March and April, this NEEDS to be done this month.  The drive is really too long to do with a newborn and the toddler needs to stay in nursery, it’s good for my soul.

4.  Finish decorating both kids rooms

The wonderful wall decal in the toddlers to be updated and I am working with a fabulous local company Personalised Prints DXB for something for the Baby Boy. 
Keep tuned here as i have a couple of giveaways coming up!

5.  Start my exercise program

I get cleared to exercise mid May.  And despite another emergency c section I am feeling pretty good if very unfit.  Exercise has always been something which has helped reduce my blood pressure and so I am excited to start again.  I’m lucky enough to be trialling a pregnancy and postnatal online course with Dr Joanna Helcke and I will update you on how I am finding this as well as my dreaded before shots as soon as it begins.  I am also going to do the couch to 5k again to get back into running so I can be back up to 10k by December when it is the Dubai Womens Run.
Anyone else had good success with c25k?

6.  Continue blogging and promoting my blog with linkys and featured series.   Looking to keep evolving!

I am still loving the outlet that blogging is giving to me, I am adapting the way I write to still be able to post.   Hence why I am typing this on the Blogger app on my phone during a night feed with Baby Boy at 00:16 to be precise and will then make it pretty on the laptop in a spare 5 minutes in the morning.  Though if I need to I will take a break from blogging, but at the moment its not in my plans.
May could even be the month where I move into getting my own domain name!

7.  Say goodbye to my best friend in Dubai

Who leaves on 1 May.  I am devastated even though it is what is best for her and her family I am going to miss her like crazy.  The toddler will miss his little partner in crime as well.  It’s a fact of friendships out here that people come and go, but that doesn’t make it any easier.
The leaving present that I got them all

8.  Find some independent craft for the toddler

I want to do some simple activities with the toddler even though baby boy is now here.  I will be scouring #ToddlerApprovedTuesday, which is a fab linky hosted by Larabee and 3 Princesses and 1 dude, for more crafts and cooking ideas.  I can use the sling for baby boy or have him on the table with us, I just want to keep some of the 1:1 time with the toddler and engage with him so I don’t always default to Toy Story, or his new favourite…. Planes!  
New craft ideas are always welcome, especially as it is heating up and we won’t be able to go outside and run off any excess energy soon.

9.  Deal with 2 children on my own

So far I have had or will have either my husband or mum with me.  Mid-May marks a return to normal service as we have no visitors left and the husband returns to work.  
The husband chilling with the boys, mid week!
Wish me luck!
That’s our May plan, what’s on yours?

The List

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