Dear Santa,
Ive been a very good girl this year, I promise. OK maybe not as good as I could have been but I’ve really, really tried. Most of the time.
So along with the boys lists I thought I’d pop my own list into you, a list from an exhausted mum, seeing as your magical and all that. If anyone can help it’s you. And maybe the Sandman. But I’m sure you’ve got connections.
Yep Santa, you guessed it. I’m after sleep this year.
But not just Baby sleep.
Though it would be magical if he would sleep through the night. Consistently. Or maybe even just for the second time ever would be nice.
I’m not even talking the three year olds sleep.
But again, if I could guarantee he’d sleep the whole night I’d be grateful. Not just for me, or the Baby, or even the husband. More for the entire world, you see when he doesn’t sleep we enter melt down tantrum stage around 1pm. And it lasts until bedtime. I am that Mummy carrying the screaming child under one arm while pushing the pram with the other. Let’s try to save everyone’s eardrums by some of the magic fairy dust being sprinkled for the sleepy town express. In my heart of hearts know that not being tired won’t lead to no more tantrums ever, but I’m hopeful Santa. I really am. I didn’t want to go in too big asking for the impossible.
I digress.
I’m asking for sleep. For me. You know.
Mummy Sleep
Sleep where, when it’s not my turn to get up in the morning means I magically don’t hear the boys shouting for me. Or come bounding in. Or my husband turning over trying to sneak an extra lie in.
Sleep where, when the night time feed is due and we are giving a bottle, I remain in blissful slumber while the Baby is gently fed and rocked back to sleep by my husband. Where I don’t hear crying and poke my husband awake. Or even worse, I hear crying and decide that I can do it better and take over. That is never a good thing to do at anytime. Much less at 3am. And would result in tantrums being had. By all parties.
Sleep where, when the Baby finally sleeps, I do too. Where I don’t get up every hour to check why he hasn’t woken me yet. To place my hand on his back to check his breathing. Where I basically WAKE HIM UP to check why he isn’t awake already. Nice, peaceful sleep. Much like he was in before I poked him awake.
You see Santa, I seem to have lost the ability to sleep soundly. One which I had spent years practicing. I used to be so good at it. Sleeping through the loudest of bangs whereas now? Now the slightest sniff out of place jolts me from my slumber.
So Santa, for Christmas I would like to sleep through the night once more.
Failing that, coffee would be good. Maybe a Nespresso?
An Exhausted Mum of Two
Dear Santa,
Please give this lovely lady the gift of sleep … For her, the children and her husband. Thank you š
I do worry though if I sleep what will I blog about?? š
Oh I hear you!! As a mummy of four I would love nothing more than some sleep, maybe even just one weeks worth, even just a day or two!! Just one night of pure, uninterrupted sleep where I don’t need to share the bed with three wriggly babies or drag myself out to find juice, dummy, teddy, remind them that it is 4am and they cant get up and watch cbeebies. Lets hope Santa brings us what we wish for – good luck!! #marvmondays
Oh I hear you!! As a mummy of four I would love nothing more than some sleep, maybe even just one weeks worth, even just a day or two!! Just one night of pure, uninterrupted sleep where I don’t need to share the bed with three wriggly babies or drag myself out to find juice, dummy, teddy, remind them that it is 4am and they cant get up and watch cbeebies. Lets hope Santa brings us what we wish for – good luck!! #marvmondays
Sooooo want the same as you! Glad I’m not the only one carrying a screaming child under one arm/hearing every single sniffle when it’s my “lie in” …
I know Santa would if he could but just in case he can’t ive also asked for a coffee machine and a nice new “large” mug.
(Mum of 3 under 4)
I hope you get your Christmas wish, I do all my blogging late at night while others sleep having lost the ability to sleep myself. #MarvMondays
I understand this! I’m always exhausted lol! Thanks for a fun and interesting post. Hopefully you’ll get more time to rest in the coming months….if thats possible!
Fingers crossed Angela – how are you doing?
Oh gosh! you really do need a good sleep. I hope Santa hear your call and you deserve a big break.
Aw this was such a lovely post. I hope that you get oodles of Mummy sleep over the holidays although it is not looking very promising lol!
Fingers crossed – at least a lie in or two!
Awww bless I hope you get your wish, I am not a mummy yet so I can only sympathise but I am sure Santa heard you
Oh me too! Sleep is NOT for the weak….it is for the lucky!
Oh gosh I can totally relate to this as I am exactly the same my 15 month old still does not sleep and has not had a single full nights sleep since he was born. My other half rarely wakes during the night with him and always tries to get a extra lie in too. Whenever anyone asks what I want for Christmas my answer is always a full nights sleep xx
Sometimes I wonder HOW he doesn’t hear all the noise!
ah i hope you get your wish…. i asked my husband yesterday what he wanted for Christmas… he answered “peace and quiet! x
Ha – peace and quiet generally means trouble here!
Oh I remember these days! I really hope you get some sleep soon. I know how exhausting it is. It does get easier as they get older.
This is a lovely post. xx
I hope so! Thanks Sarah – you give me hope!
I really hope you get what your wish for sleeping through the night š I am sure I will be asking for the same thing next year!! xx
Well, I could’ve written this myself!! I haven’t slept through the night since little A was born, even when he sleeps a good 12 hours. If it’s not the panic of checking on him, it’s the need to pee a hundred times a night (stupid bladder). Thanks for linking up to #MarvMondays. Kaye xo