Fresh Air and Flowers

Those of you that have been to Dubai, particularly during the warmer months will know about the heat.  It’s scorching.  Temperatures can soar up to 50 degrees.  What I didn’t realise before I got here was the fact that coupled with this immense heat is high humidity.  80% high humidity.  Scorching and sweating.  What a combination.  What a lack of flowers in my life, no bunch of tulips to brighten the room.  Just green, spiky palms, and the occasional splash of planted colours.

I took for granted back in the UK all of the fresh air that was available just by walking out of the door.  The random burst of yellow from daffodils.  Clumps of daisies.  That even if it was raining the air outside was breathable and you could get to your car without risk of heat stroke.  I love being outside.  More than that, being out in the fresh air is said to help children sleep longer at night something that the Baby especially needs to do more of.  Still, the benefits of living in Dubai and everything living in Dubai has given us more than makes up for having to retreat inside to the air conditioning for the summer months.

And retreat we do.  We head outside early morning and late evening but the rest of our time is spent in indoors.  With the background hum of air conditioning (also good as white noise for sleeping FYI).  We head to the malls and the hum is there.  Soft play, hummmmm.  Nursery, hummmmmmm.  The Office,  home, hotels, restaurants.  Everywhere is that telltale hum.  And it is needed.  Oh so very needed.


The only problem I find with living in constant AC are the potential health implications.  The spread of germs like wildfire, hand foot and mouth disease, coughs and colds, sore throats, sickness bugs, bronchiolitis.  All have made an appearance in our house over the past 12 months. I know, lucky me right?

After yet another cold and cough, scratchy eyes and being too hot in bed with the AC off I went researching.  I stumbled across professional ventilation servicing specialist Filtrex  who have a series of tips to make sure that your indoor air quality is as fresh as the fresh air I’ve been craving from the UK including making sure you are using the right filter grade, regular maintenance along with cleaning and disinfection – the full pdf can be found here.  Which are perfect to put into place until we reach home, to the rolling countryside of home, to the outdoor fresh air.  To the bright bunch of tulips to cheer up the gloomy English sky that seems to coincide with me coming home each time….

The lovely Sian’s Instagram always makes me think of sunny days, fresh air and flowers

And I can’t wait to be back!  See you next week fresh air and flowers!

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  1. May 20, 2016 / 1:22 am

    Ah, you can’t complain too much about the gloomy British weather, we’ve had some fabulous days this week and I’m sure you’ll love it when you’re back. At least you rarely need air con 😉

  2. May 25, 2016 / 8:18 am

    Great tips! We too leave the windows open during the night when it’s cool outdoors. I love having the fresh air in the house after having them shut all winter. Kids can come up with the cutest/funniest excuses for things. My 5 1/2 year old will start an excuse with the phrase, “I have an idea…”

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