The Bloggers Blogging Linky #blogstorm – 29th December 2016

So it’s that time of the month again, it’s time for the bloggers blogging linky #blogstorm.  Run by myself and the very talented Martyn from Inside Martyn’s Thoughts this is the linky for anything that is in the slightest way related to blogging, because as we all know, bloggers love a good blogging post…..

#blogstorm – featured blog tips from last month

This month my favourite post goes to the wonderful Prabs from Absolutely Prabulous on 15 lessons learnt during 3 years blogging, to the point in her own wonderful roundabout way.

Martyn’s top pick is all about Instagram Hashtags and this helpful post listing just a few hashtags you could use from Tayla at Motherhood: The Real Deal.

Our #blogstorm Blogging Tips

Well what else could I be linking this month other than my blogging goals for 2017.  This year I don’t have a fancy diary, I don’t have a glut of posts planned (other than the one I had in my head originally for #blogstorm which I then forgot until I’d finished my new one) I just have 5 points that I want to see me through the year.  2016 taught me that the most important thing my blog has given me is confidence and the ability to make friends, 2017 is going to be more of the same and less of the stat chasing, these are my blog goals.

blogging goals

Martyn is linking up with his post on playground blogging.  The problem with blogging is that there are a lot of blogs, with a lot of bloggers and only a finite number of ideas and topics….  and he’s right, he isn’t subtle!


The Badge

Enough rambling from me, now it’s grab the badge and get linking, we can’t wait to read your blogging posts!

Life with Baby Kicks

We are open from 6am GMT 29th September closing at 23:55pm on October 12th – happy linking.

#blogstorm – The Rules

Our rules are simple:

1.  Link up as many blogging related posts as you want, just remember to add the badge to any post you link

2.  Add your link using the Inlinkz button below, that will add your post to this post.  Not sure how to do it?  There is a fantastic guide from The Dad Network that can be found here.

3.  Comment on this post and at least 2 other linked up posts that tickle your fancy. Its commenting and sharing the love that makes this community great. Remember hosts love comments too!

4.  Remember to tweet your link using #blogstorm.  Make sure to tweet us, @Laura_BabyKicks and @Mr_Kitney and we will be sure to RT you.

blogstorm the blogging tips linky party pin


1 Comment

  1. January 3, 2017 / 10:59 pm

    First time joining in a linky party! Great experience- thx u to the host!

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