As we come to the last days of school here in Qatar. The lull before everyone leaves for the summer it seems that everyone is trying to squeeze in one last party. One last play date. One last gathering.
With every school collection there seems to be another invitation. Every other day another WhatsApp group set up.
RSVP’s are coming out of my ears at a time where I thought I had sent my last RSVP with the wedding RSVP we sent for the upcoming nuptials of friends in Italy, without kids.
It’s official, my four year old has a better social life than me.
If I look over my diary for the past week it’s clear that his social schedule takes precedent over mine. My days are marked out by fitness classes and blog posts.
His? My eldest son’s days are marked out by cake.
A pool party, followed by a barbecue. Complete with birthday chocolate cake.
A playdate with friends from school. And cake.
A swimming date with more friends. And cake again. Though this time healthy cake from my freezer filled with grated courgette and vegetables, but they didn’t know that.
Swimming lessons, half an hour of intense practise due to the fact that we spend all our time in the pool especially now summer has arrived.
Coming up?
In the next few days will see another pool day with friends, while Daddy takes on a grudge tennis match against his little friend’s Mummy, followed by food. Most probably of the barbecue variety. Of course this is provided that Daddy wins the tennis match because he may in fact be the worlds sorest loser…
Another play date with school friends, where undoubtedly there will be more cake involved, testing my willpower on my healthy life (during the week anyway).
Not one party. But two.
The first I have been reliably promised carrot cake. Which is my weakness. But hey we can’t be healthy all the time. A party with close friends, one where they will all go a little bit crazy as it is possibly the last time we will all get together before everyone starts on their summer migration trips.
The second? A school friend party at a local MyGym where I have never been before. A chance for all his school friends to blow off some steam before entering the last week of term. A party where, apparently, there is already a plan going on to what they will be playing on together. A much discussed party.
My Social Life?
People reliably informed me that with the arrival of children, and the start of school, that my diary would become packed out. That they would lead a better social life than I had, or ever will have it would appear.
I didn’t believe it.
Yet it’s true. The proof is in the pudding.
Still, we’ve a dinner party next weekend, and there will be wine. And we all know wine beats cake hands down.
Haha yep I know this feeling, my eldest is a nightmare, she’s doing something every day after school and has parties coming out of her ears!
it’s true kids are more socially active than older ones.