We all tend to think that becoming disabled is something that will not happen to us. Yet, in reality, as we age, most of us develop strength and mobility issues. If we are lucky, only for short periods. But, for many of us, being disabled is a part of our experience late in life.
It is not nice to think about this, but we need to accept it could happen and be as ready as possible. That includes preparing ourselves mentally and emotionally. That is what this article is all about.
Teach yourself to switch off mentally when necessary
When you are disabled you can usually get access to some sort of state aid. But, to get it you will need to qualify and jump through hoops. This is stressful. If you are thinking what if my service-connected disability has worsened since my last rating? your chances of being able to sleep well at night are nil.
Your mind will be whirring, and you will feel mentally, emotionally, and physically drained. You simply cannot live like that. If you have not already done so it is a good idea to learn an effective way to turn yourself off mentally. Doing so will enable you to cope with most challenges better. This excellent article provides you with 12 effective approaches that you can try. The chances of one of them working for you are quite high. Importantly, they are all suitable for use before bedtime. A good night’s sleep will help you no end no matter what is going on in life.
Learn to accept your limitations
Nobody likes the idea of gradually not being able to do much. It is a hard situation to accept. But, once you do so, things get a lot easier for you mentally and emotionally. You are no longer struggling to win an unwinnable battle. Accepting that you can’t go for a long walk today because your knee is too swollen but promising yourself you will enjoy one when it goes down is a healthy approach. As is deciding to do chair aerobics instead on days like that. Whereas, berating yourself because you have not done your 10,000 steps is not a good idea. Training yourself now to be more accepting of your limitations will help you later in life.
Find other interests
If you can do so take up some hobbies that you are likely to be able to continue to enjoy even if your physical strength begins to wane. There is a long list to choose from. By all means continue to enjoy your physically taxing hobbies now, while you still can. Doing so will keep you fit and healthy for longer. But, be realistic about the fact you will have to adapt as you get older. For example, eventually you will have to take a buggy on the golf course and stop playing in the heat of the day.

The good habits you develop now will really help you later in life. You will cope much better and be healthier and happier as a result. Don’t dwell on the fact you are getting old but do think about it now and again and ask yourself if you are doing enough to prepare for that stage in your life.