KidzMondo Doha: Does it live up to the hype?

KidzMondo, firefighters. KidzMondo, firefighters. KidzMondo, firefighters. The chant reverberated through my brain long after we headed for home after a full day at KidzMondo Doha.…

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My love-hate relationship with the great summer exodus

The time is nearly upon us, where I abandon my husband for the summer and head for the cooler climes of the UK.  The time…

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I am the trailing spouse

Doha is my second stint as an expat wife, a trailing spouse, a stay at home mum.  Moving here, for my husbands work, was a…

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The power in blogging

When I first pressed publish back in January 2015, pregnant with the Baby, I had no idea of the impact that blogging would have on…

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The first days of our new life in Qatar

A week ago we boarded the plane in a grey and drizzly Manchester to head for our new life in Qatar.  Where it most definitely isn’t…

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The Loneliness of Putting Yourself Out There as a Mum

Sunday saw us board a plane and begin our new life in Qatar, finding our feet and throwing ourselves in, despite the loneliness that can…

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Qatar Here We Come

As I am sat writing this, we are once again preparing to emigrate.  To jump off into the unknown.  To go experience a new country,…

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