The Ritz Carlton Doha serves up a perfect Friday in Qatar

My son still talks about room 1007.  Sounds a little bit ominous doesn’t it?  But no, that in fact was our room number when we…

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How the Ritz Carlton Doha changed my mind on Staycations in EIGHT hours

Staycations have never really appealed to me. I mean, why would I go and stay in a hotel in the city that I live in…

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A Staycation in Abu Dhabi with Yas Island Rotana

When you know that you’re leaving the sandy shores of Dubai you start to make a bucket list, a list of everything that you’ve been…

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Travel; Visiting Liverpool #TravelodgeTopTowns

Being an expat means that more often than not a large chunk of your (husbands) annual leave is spent going back and forth to the…

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