It was my birthday the other day and I was very spoiled by my boys, so I thought I would take a moment to show the husband my appreciation and publicly thank both him and the toddler terror for my lovely day and presents. And tell you all about them!
My boys
And here they are, the lovely ones that this is all about. Taken on my birthday morning as we paddled in the sea. Now I never thought I’d use that sentence about my January birthday!!And obviously taken right before the toddler terror decided to sit down, in his jeans and nappy. And no, we didn’t have a towel with us hey ho!

First treat
I love a musical.
I mean I really really really love a musical.
It is up there with my favourite ways to spend a lovely few hours.
And if I can sing along then all the better!
The husband does not. At all.
Which made my first treat all the more special to me, he took me to watch Mamma Mia while it was in Dubai on tour. And it was fab. And yes I sang along. And danced. And I did not care who saw me. Abba songs, I defy you not to sing and dance!!
Birthday presents
My request this year shows my age. I think I am growing old gracefully and only have the couple of gray hairs to prove it. But nonetheless my presents definitely show my age….
And I am so excited to use them!! My original blender blew up a few months ago and it is the first time I’ve owned proper scales where I can weigh properly and not just guess using a spoon!
My breadmaker won’t know what’s hit it!
Birthday song
No birthday is complete without song, and although it took all day I eventually had the following half sung at me by the toddler terror:
“Happy bird-day you, Happy bird-day mummy, presents”
Was nearly the highlight of my day…instead the most thoughtful present I got has to go to making it the perfect day 32 things for being 32 (we also have to ignore the fact that the toddler terror crawled into our bed and vomited all over me just after handing over my presents)
32 things for being 32
32 little treats just for me to pull out at any time I want. Some bigger things on there as well (such as a night away in a hotel) as well as time to go have my nails done, time at home alone watching the TV, choosing what to watch and a football free Saturday afternoon.
But it was the little things that made me laugh and really appreciate my husband even more.
Like “change a stinky nappy” even if it is MY turn!
And “do the toddler bath” even if it is MY turn!
And “get the night water” which basically means filling up our water glasses before bed, for some reason a job I despise, but one we take nightly turns in doing, and ONCE this year, I get to claim it for free even if it is MY turn.
So there you have it, a full copy of the list is below, but once again a big thank you to the husband. I love you and appreciate you…….now go fill that water glass up for me!