Seeing as it appears to be all the rage these days, I thought why on earth not join the masses who are blogging about life. And more specifically life as a mum. A stay at home mum at that. And even more, a stay at home mum in Dubai. To a mischievous little 2 year old, aka the toddler terror. Who likes to kick me. And did I mention that I was pregnant as well? So not only do I get booted on the outside by the 2 year old, I also get booted from the inside as well; and so “life with baby kicks” is born.
And to give you an idea on how mortifying the toddler terror can actually be here is how our weekend car shopping went, please remember as mentioned above, we live in Dubai, where swearing does NOT go down that well…..
Off we trundle down to car dealer row, running in and out of each place, each new car a thing of joy to jump in and practice our imagination skills with. In the final showroom and the final car (a lovely silver thing) in the toddler terror jumps with full instruction to “Climb in Mummy” so off I waddle to the passenger side, next step “Belt Mummy” very safety conscious, so I am sat in the parked, engine disconnected show room car, belted up waiting to be taken on a lovely imaginary drive, when all of a sudden the toddler terrors imagination takes a twist, “beep beep” “beep beep” “F**king Morons” “beep beep” mortified is an understatement. Thanks a lot Daddy, maybe we need to reduce the road rage a little!
And yes…..the picture is from less mortifying times (i.e. before he could speak and embarrass us!) besides, I couldn’t get out of that car quick enough, no time to pull my phone out for a quick photo opportunity!
And just in case you wondered what he looks like these days….butter wouldn’t melt indeed!