Something a little bit away from the usual pregnancy, food, toddler terror related posts today. I’ve been nominated by the lovely Melanie Craft for a Liebster Award, hop on over to Melanie’s blog for an amazing array of lifestyle posts (I especially love how she is competing with her husband) as well as fantastic kick start your business tips and wedding tips that make me want to get married all over again!
Now then, what are the Liebster Awards?! It’s an award for small and new to blogging bloggers who are trying to grow and develop their reading base (aka “fanbase”)
The rules of the Liebster are fairly simple:
You must post the award to your blog, thank the blogger who nominated you and link to their website.
You must write 11 random facts about yourself.
You must answer 11 questions from the blogger who nominated you.
You must then nominate 5 – 11 new bloggers (with less that 1000 followers) and present them with your own 11 questions and inform them on social media.
11 Random Facts about me:
1. My first car was a white Nova, called Nora. That I wrote off by smashing it into the back of a Volvo. The Volvo was unharmed.
2. I used to work in McDonalds and I was a trained McDonald’s party leader. This means I can make balloon animals.
3. My first job was as a waitress where I earned a measly £2 per hour.
4. Even though I went into banking professionally my degree is actually a Masters in Chemistry and the best bit of that was always going into the lab and “making” things. Though I was no Walter White.
5. I love a pub quiz. But I am rubbish at the music round.
6. I had a Liverpool accent for a while from living there
7. I love to travel and my country count stands at 33 countries
8. Though I am a little bit afraid of flying. Most specifically landing. No idea why it makes no sense.
9. I love wine. All wine. Red, white, pink, sparkly. Wine is the best.
10. I also love American trashy reality TV, a bit of Keeping up with the Kardashians, Teen Mom, 16 and pregnant. The husband reigns me in on this.
11. I smoked for too long. But gave up 6 months before I had the toddler terror, and only miss it sometimes, generally when copious amounts of wine are involved.
My questions to answer….
1. How did you decide on the title of your blog, and what’s it about?
Fairly simple my little boy managed to kick me in the leg/head as I was wrestling changing him into his PJs at the same time that bump was kicking away on the inside. I just sat there and though my whole life is about being kicked by these 2 babies…thus Life with Baby Kicks was born.
2. Can you give 11 random facts about yourself?
Please see above!
3. What is something you’ve been loving lately?
This may be a bit random, and I am a bit food orientated being pregnant, but suddenly I cannot get enough Chilli con Carne with loads of grated melted cheese on top. It makes my mouth water thinking about it. The husband hates it so I’ve been making bowl after bowl after bowl for myself for lunch. Then cursing it as it gives me crippling heartburn!
4. What is it you love most about blogging?
I like the fact that I get to be me, not just mummy, not just a wife, but Laura, a person who has something interesting to say and interesting to read! (Well I hope its interesting anyway!)
5. If you had 3 wishes what would they be?
1. That my friends were able to come out and visit in Dubai as its been so long since I have had chance to catch up over anything more than Skype/Whatsapp. The terror makes it difficult to hold long conversations and we never seem to be round in the UK at the same time! Plus I’d love for them to see where I live now as I don’t think I do Dubai justice
2. For the toddler terror to continue to grow and learn daily, and stay a happy carefree little boy with no worries other than what to eat for breakfast! And the same for the bump.
3. To continue to appreciate my husband and grow our relationship as we embark on the next chapter of our lives.
6. Where does your blog inspiration come from?
Generally from the 2 foot terror that whirlwinds round my life and the other one booting me from the inside. As well as my husband, even though he is a bit shy about it all!
7. What is one country in the world you would like to visit? Why?
Peru. I’d love to trek to Machu Picchu!
8. If you have kids or pets, what are their names? Tell me about your babies
The toddler terror is unnamed on the blog! But pictured in many many posts…he is quite simply adorable but a rascal and has firmly entered the terrible twos.
The bump is unnamed completely! But then we don’t know if bump is pink or blue so there is a good reason for that. And if bump is pink, the husband has vetoed most of my names so we will be struggling (e.g. Matilda, Florence, Eleanor!!!)
9. A long lost relative leaves you a large sum of money what do you do with it?
Blow it on a massive holiday. Probably to Machu Picchu and leave the kiddos with my mum!
10. What is something you do when you need to take time for yourself?
I go lose myself in a good book!
11. Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?
Slightly less frazzled, probably back in England, with 2 kids in school and back at work!
My questions to you….
- How did you decide on the title of your blog and what’s it about?
- What is your favourite thing about blogging?
- What was your first job and what did it teach you?
- Where was your favourite holiday and why?
- Where does your blog inspiration come from?
- What would you do if you won £10,000 tomorrow?
- How do you relax?
- Name 3 things on your bucket list
- What is your favourite blog post and why (provide a link!)
- What is your favourite social media platform?
- Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?
My nominations
Should you choose to accept, and apologies if you have already been nominated you are obviously brilliant!
Look forward to reading your awards!