Another week another meal plan. Though we are trying (and failing) to way a little bit more healthily. If anyone has any great meal ideas please let me know!
Monday – Lasagna with Salad
Can’t go wrong with a classic and I make my own sauces with extra veggies thrown in which makes it a little healthier right? Let us just ignore the cheese and buffer and high fat content mince…
Tuesday – Italian Chicken with boiled potatoes and salad.
This is something I discovered when then husband was marathon training and in used to serve it up to him as an open sandwich when he came in from a long run.
The chicken is marinated in; a tbsp olive oil, a tsp rosemary, juice of half lemon, and a clove of garlic (amounts are per chicken breast so just up the quantities if you have more than one) and then either pan fried or roasted until cooked.
Wednesday; Grilled Fish Kebabs with Lime, Rice and Salad
My DinnerTime recipe comes out again with the addition of fish this week. Given that we now have kebab sticks from our barbecuing these were actually kebabs this week.
Thursday; Mediterranean Irish Stew
An empty fridge means I just had to throw a load of things together and hope for the best. Lamb, potatoes, carrots, spices and tomatoes. A one pot wonder!
Friday – Takeaway Treat Night
A step in the right direction to normal routine, just a different day. Mum left yesterday and we have back to back visitors with my father in law landing today. The husband drove up to pick him up from Abu Dhabi this evening so it was all a little rushed and over teatime. Solution? Takeaway!
Saturday – Barbecue
Our secondary housewarming, burgers, sausages, open air, charcoal!
I know, we are crazy, barbecuing with a new born, but we live in Dubai, the summer coming is a BAD thing as it heats up outside.
Sunday – Sausage and Mash
Leftover sausages from yesterday served with creamy mashed potato and lashings and lashings of gravy!
Until next week…