Soft play. Love it or loathe it in Dubai it’s a fact of life that you are going to go. Now it’s heating up outside everyone is starting to head in for child entertainment in the air con! Which is where Le Petit Palais Dubai comes in.
There are many soft plays throughout Dubai and last week we visited Le Petit Palais in Galleries Lafayette for the first time.
This is one I am glad we waited until the Toddler was older to go to, while it is well equipped for those younger with a fabulous soft play area where older ones can climb and jump and run. There is a separated area for those less confident to totter about in. When we arrived there was a nursery on a field trip so it was a little manic with 60 children around but the Toddler made a beeline for the quieter area and spent a good 30 minutes playing in here with the bus, jumping off the bridge, building towers.
The nursery weren’t in there long and soon we had the place to explore to ourselves.
And it is magical.
An imaginative dreamworld and every child’s dream. There is nothing that hasn’t been thought of. In fact the only part we didn’t use was every little girls fantasy beauty parlour because the Toddler isn’t fussed at having his nails painted at the best of times.
The rest of Le Petit Palais is modeled on a French village where you drive round on the painted road, stopping for petrol, before arriving at your house with living area and full country kitchen before you venture back out to the market stall to “buy” what you need for dinner that night.
In case you’re wondering what we did, well first the Toddler made me fill him up with petrol – he’s been in Dubai too long – then bought me fish and burger for dinner, heading back to cook me egg and cake. Which he cooled down in the fridge. And made me wash my hands first.
We spent a very pleasant 3 hours here, which is a long time to hold my terrors attention! Le Petit Palais really captures the imagination and allows for hours of role play.
And for weary mums? You can nip outside to the coffee shop and watch through the big glass window, the staff all interact and watch the children so you can get 5 minutes peace from drinking your eightieth cup of play tea….
Priced at 80aed for the first hour and 20aed for each additional hour. Slightly on the pricey side but the value for money is definitely there with hours of imaginative play available and soft play to burn off all that excess energy.
Disclaimer; I received two hours free soft play for the purpose of this review. All opinions are my own.
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