#effitfriday Rant of the Week – 10 June 2015

Thank you all who linked up with the second edition of #effitfriday.  Myself and Rod, from Modern Dad Pages, were completely overwhelmed with the response.

It seems that you all love a rant as much as we do!

As promised, we’ve both picked our favourite #rantoftheweek and even made a beautiful shiny badge for you featured #ranters.

Life with Baby Kicks

My rant of the week goes to Becky from 3 Princesses and 1 Dude with her rant on 15 Things To Do When Your An Exhausted Non New Mum, even though she is exhausted Becky had me crying with laughter.

Rods rant of the week goes to Jamie from Pink Noam with his rant on the craze that is the top knot…. not that he is jealous having no hair or anything.

Oh and I just have to include the offensive top knot picture.

Pop back Friday for the next edition of #effitfriday, we look forward to hosting you and your wonderful rants again and next week you could be our #effitfriday Rant of the Week.


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