I was having a bit of a twitter chat, as you do, with the lovely Martyn from Inside Martyns Thoughts, when the next thing you know the conversation had twisted from how I was like my mother and how to break it to my husband, to having four blog posts ideas. This got me thinking of different blog post ideas and the next thing I know my notebook is full of them. Again,mostly from Twitter brainstorming. Everyday conversations can lead to blog posts.
Most of mine do, a fair few come from comments my husband makes or friends.
Now I know that it can be tough to think of ideas for posts and I know I struggle at times when I can barely keep my eyes open, so if you’re having a bit of a blogging inspiration lull I have put together a range of post ideas for you.
Blogging Posts
You are a blogger, why not share with us some advice or blog love?
1. Blogging advice
2. Why I Started Blogging
3. What’s in a Name? The story behind your name
4. What I love about Blogging
5. My Favourite Bloggers
6. My Blog Posts of the Week, a bit like Louise from Little Hearts Big Love running her Fridays Fabulous Five
7. Interview with a Blogger (yes I am available if you’d like!)
8. Linkies I Love list; it’s linkies that make the blogging world go round so why not give a shout out to a few that you love. Like Big Fat Linky which is co-hosted by Martyn. That I need to get back on the ball linking up too.
9. My best Blogging Tools; is it Twitter, PicMonkey, what works for you and why
10. A list of inspired blog posts, a bit like this one then
List Posts
List posts are easy to write and easy to read. People like bullet style, it makes them quick to scan.
11. How to Posts, know how to do something that will help? Stick a guide up, I did this for How to Add aCarrycot to the Baby Jogger City Double after I couldn’t find anything on the internet
12. My essentials….for baby/travel/day outs/delete and add as appropriate
13. My Favourite Things
14. Random things you didn’t know about me
15. All about me, a bit like the whole A/S/L from the old days of MSN chat (remember those?!)
16. What’s on my Bucket List
17. What’s on my Reverse Bucket List. So basically the big things in life that you’ve already ticked off.
18. So it’s Awards Season, why not share who you’ve nominated and why. Share the blog love, a bit like my MADNominations 2015
19. Things I love about….whatever really.
20. Things I’ve learned…..from parenting, from friendship. I did a light hearted post for one of my best
friends birthdays with “30 Things for your 30th Birthday”
21. What I’m…reading/watching/cooking
What’s In…
People are nosy and love to find out these things about you, I particularly like seeing others fridges. Food obsessed, much?!
22. My bag
23. My First Aid Kit
24. My Childs Toy Box
25. My Fridge
26. My bedside table
Themed Posts
If you are stuck then I find being organised helped, I have a weekly structure to my blog with themed posts that interest me. That is still the key. No point in you writing recipe posts if you hate cooking, or photo posts if you don’t take any.
27. Recipes; I always do my Food for Thought on a Tuesday
28. Craft of the week with children
29. Travel posts; On here Fridays are for travel. And I open this out to guest bloggers with #travelwithme.
Always happy to have you join me
>30. Photo posts
31. Theme to a linky; The List, ToddlerApproved Tuesday, Little Chefs, PointShoot, ftmob, there are millions out there, and lots with themes that you can help write your blog post around. Which is why #8 is a great post. Oh and did I mention that I had a new linky on the block with #effitfriday??
32. Meal Plan, what are you eating this week?
33. Best moment of last week
Parenting Posts
Well I am a parent writing a parenting blog. Stands to reason that these would come into play.
34. How to survive….a toddler meltdown, first day of nursery, first day of school, bathtime with two of them
35. Rainy day activities, or in my case, boiling hot summer day activities where you are stuck inside
36. Best Days Out with kids<
37. Your biggest parenting failure (you mean we aren’t all pinterest perfect?!)
38. Controversial issues; breastfeeding, personally I have touched on being a Stay at Home Mum and c-section delivery
39. Monthly children or family updates
40. A Letter to your Children
41. Parenting comparison, no not with other parents that is just asking for trouble, but generationally
42. Toys of my time
43. Toys of my childs time
44. How being a parent has changed me
45. Things I said I’d never do…..and do
46. Things I never thought I would say
47. A day in my life, hour by hour, photo optional
And these just don’t fit into a topic!
48. Run a giveaway
49. Write a review; not been sent anything? Review your favourite things then!
50. Your opinion on news topics; Royal baby and General Election ring a bell?
So there you have it, 50 inspiring blogging post ideas, enjoy!
Back again (I’m not sure whether I left a comment last time, if I did and they are the same sorry!) Great list, I have definitely taken some inspiration from it 🙂 Thanks for hosting #blogstorm
I lost all my comments in the move so you probably did!! Glad I helped inspire Debbie and thank you for linking up 🙂
Great post ideas! I often am still wondering what I can write the day a post is scheduled. Thanks for sharing, I’ll have to bookmark for future blocks! #blogstorm
I am glad I’m not the only one, I feel like I’m always running to catch myself! Thanks for linking with #blogstorm
Ooo some great ideas here! Pinning this post as I am looking for inspiration! Thanks for sharing! #blogstorm
I’ve had to come have a look again myself for inspiration!x
Fab list, I might have to jot a few of these down myself #blogstorm
Thanks Toni and thanks for linking with #blogstorm as well!
Some good ideas 🙂 will have to bookmark this for those moments where I’m feeling uninspired/overwhelmed x
Funny enough not long after I wrote this I’ve had to go back to get some ideas! Thanks for joining in with #blogstorm
awesome stuff – thanks so much *grabs a pen
Hope it helps and thanks for joining in with #blogstorm
Saved this for when I’m stuck! Thank you #blogstorm.
Thank you, hope it comes in useful and thanks for linking with #blogstorm
Great post! I was recently going through a writer’s block and it’s just the most frustrating thing ever! Such posts are such a great help! #blogstorm
I’ve had some great post ideas that I’ve thought and half written in my head at night. Then completely forgotten by morning!
Oh these are so much fun! I’m definitely going to need to look into writing a few of these posts 🙂 So glad you found me on Twitter and invited me to join. This is great!! I’ve been through every post so far on the linky and I love it! 🙂 Thanks again!
PS- I write a blog too. It’s called Creative Rebel Designs and its aimed towards solopreneurs and people looking for help to design and market their own stuff. It’s a resource in process. Perhaps you can take a look when you get a chance?
Anyway, thanks for the great content and I’ll check back soon!
Rebel Love, Elle
Fantastic this is exactly what we hoped would happen! I’m about halfway through the linky with reading, the posts are a fantastic resource! I love the blogging world, where else would you get people sharing top tips with no ulterior motive? X
Great list, really helps with getting more inspiration and sparking off new ideas! 🙂 x
Thanks Jenny, glad you found it useful x
What a great post! You just gave me a ton of ideas actually! Thanks so much for hosting #blogstorm!
Great Trista! That’s exactly what I was hoping for! X
Lists and How To guides are always a winner with readers, aren’t they? (It’s pretty much all Buzzfeed does …)
I do like themed series of posts as it lends a little structure to my blogging schedule, although I am put off a bit by blogs that seem to consist of nothing but themed series and product reviews. As ever, I think there’s a balance to strike – a couple of weekly/regular series is fine, but there needs to be more ad hoc stuff too to keep things fresh. I participate in Darren’s My Sunday photo every week, do a ‘best of blogs’ type post every Saturday, then have a midweek quote-based series, then write my family-based content and list articles around those anchors. It means that even in weeks where I don’t have much new to sayabout family life, there’s at least a regular stream of content. But I wouldn’t want to do more than I currently do – that would feel quite restrictive to me.
Definitely Tim, and I find that they are forgiving if you go over the magical guideline word count.
It’s taken me a while to find my theme structure, and it’s fairly loose now and part is in my head, so on a Monday I do something that is pertinent/mummy related to us, Tuesday cooking, generally with the Toddler and a quote of the week graphic, Weds is loose and can be a day off, Thurs is travel, Fri is ranting, Saturday is whatever I feel like or nothing and Sunday is #toddlerapproved. I like having an idea of what I am going to write as well as the ability to change it up and keep it fairly loose.
Then of course there are always the random tip posts!
And, sometimes, just sometimes you get a gem of viral post!
Really good inspiring list! Thanks so much for taking the time to collate it. I find I just don’t have the time to read as many blogs as I’d like to. The more I discover, the more I want to read!
Thank you! I find the same, it’s so interesting to read others thoughts and I love how blogs are a little vision in someone’s soul x
Some great ideas, did I tag you in the bucket list? If you do do it come and link it up, would love to see what is on yours. I’m also pinning this 🙂
I don’t think you did…. Off to investigate *and read the mum piece!*
A practical list for those writer’s block days.
I have so many things I want to write, I just don’t have the time.
Thanks for sharing. 🙂 #blogstorm