We are trying to eat a little healthier, since we brought baby boy home we seem to have existed on takeaway and chocolate. All of us. Not just the Toddler. So we started our regime and I meal planned like a champ. But I love sweet things, and ice cream. So I went searching for healthy ice cream, or Paleo, or clean eating, or whatever you want to call it. Basically frozen sweet creamy stuff. I found one ingredient ice cream which looked lovely, but wanted to vary it up a little bit so I made TWO ingredient strawberry ice cream. Yep, just two, all natural, ingredients to create a smooth and creamy ice cream.
It was so simple that the Toddler Terror did most of the work while jumping in glee on his chair (his step is currently being used as a table I must get that sorted its been a while since we moved house)
I originally only made enough for two scoops as I was doubtful it would work, a bit like when I tried the 2 ingredient dough, should have learned from then that Pinterest is amazing and never wrong (except for when you have a Pinterest Fail). So I’ve increased the quantities that I used below and this should give you a decent amount to share between 2-3 hungry ice cream loving hot from the summer little toddlers.
Two Ingredient Strawberry Ice Cream
6 ripe bananas
12 strawberries
How to do it
1. Chop up the banana and strawberries fairly small. Place in a bag.
2. Freeze for at least 6 hours, preferably overnight.
3. Pulse in a blender until starting to go smooth
4. Once pieces have started to break down continue blending until a creamy consistency is obtained.
5. Serve immediately and enjoy. Ice cream can be frozen for up to 3 days but is best enjoyed straight away.
This is pretty simple and healthy too. No preservatives and extra sugar. Will give this a try. Thanks for sharing the recipe
You can add different flavorings as well if you wanted, omit the strawberries and add cocoa powder for chocolate, peanut butter, avocado for extra protein! It’s endless!