Those that have been following know that there has been a raging double buggy debate going on in our house, this is now solved and we are the proud owners of a (second hand) Baby Jogger City Mini Double.
And alongside
Double prams for Newborn and toddler
Now I am not going to pretend to you that a side by side is what I wanted, it wasn’t.
At all.
I wanted one I could convert into a single, and I honestly lusted after the Phil and Teds Promenade stroller, however, when it came down to it, the field was narrowed by the fact that my toddler is not only
But fits wonderfully in the Baby Jogger. And squeezes into the carrycot…..
Baby jogger carrycot
Speaking of the carrycot, this was my big want for any double pram I had. I like the ability to lie the baby flat, it was one of the things that put me off the Bugaboo Bee for a newborn as I dislike the idea of strapping the baby in when they are tiny. I didn’t realise until after I had bought the Baby Jogger that a carrycot was available, and you should have seen me dance around the room when I realised. Have you ever seen a pregnant lady dance? Let me tell you it wasn’t pretty!
My issue with the carrycot? Well, it’s not available in the UAE so I had to get it delivered from Amazon (can be found here) UK and sent to my mum to bring out when she came out to save me from being on my own during the husbands big marathon debut. Which, bless her, she did.
Carrycot Baby Jogger instructions
My second issue with it; the instructions to attach it to the double are useless!!
And there is no handy YouTube video or any sort of other guide.
I figured it out in the end through finding a choice comment on the MumsNet forum. So I thought I would share with you how I did it!
How to attach the carrycot to Baby Jogger City Mini Double
City Mini Double adapters
Adapters come with the carrycot,
The hood of the City Mini Double needs to come off the side you are attaching the carrycot too. (This is the piece that had me stumped for a while hitting pieces of plastic against the frame). To do so is simple, you click the grey button on each side of the frame (see photos) and gently pull out. Taaaa daaa you now have somewhere for the adapters to click into
The outer adapter clicks into the outer edge.
The slimmer adapter clicks into the part of the frame which is connected with the second seat. Again, push in until you hear a click.
Lay down the seat.
Disclaimer; some of the links in this post are affiliate links.
Hi Laura,
I love your post. It really helps to me. I am a new mom and recently I buy a Baby Jogger City Mini Double for my kids. And its design totally outstanding. Thanks for sharing your post.
Hello! Do you know if it’s possible to track down that second adapter for the twin? I have the first ones but can’t connect it without the second and having trouble locating it, stressing out!
Mine came with the carrycot – my guess would be eBay?!
How do you use a raincover with this configuration though?
Honestly – no idea, I never had a rain cover with mine as we were living in Dubai at the time.
How does the carry cot attach to the baby jogger city mini, does it fix directly onto the frame or does it go on top of the main pushchair?