Nap time is was my favourite time of day.
A chance to take a breath and, quite often, a nap myself. The chance to sneak in and see my sleeping boy all peaceful.
A chance to do some cheeky blogging without eating into my evening too much.
He was a great napper in the end. Easily doing a couple of hours.
Considering when he was tiny we christened him
King of the 30 minute power nap
You could have set your watch by his eyes pinging open after 30 minutes. So his extended naps as he got older became luxurious me time.
But recently bedtime has become a battle. And the Toddler is still awake past when I want to go to bed. Which isn’t good.
So with heavy heart we’ve cut the naps to get bedtime on an even keel.
I’m not going to lie.
I miss them.
“Quiet Time” just isn’t the same. And it means that in the past 5 days we’ve seen UP more times than I care to remember. Have you seen the start of UP? Tearjerker alert! At least now I’ve bought the DVD in English so we aren’t watching in Arabic anymore.
In mourning of the beloved nap I thought I would finish with a little list of things I used to do while my baby slept.
1. Clean Mess around on Facebook
2. Laundry Get absorbed in Twitter Chats
3. Cook dinner Make delicious treats that do nothing for your waistline
4. Iron Blog, blog and blog some more
5. Make the bed Watch trashy TV that the husband refuses to watch with me normally, when else am I meant to find out what’s happening in the Kardashian world??
6. Exercise Eat chocolate on the couch without having to sneak it in my mouth hiding behind the fridge door
7. Anything slightly productive that’s impossible with a toddler around Nap
So long nap and lovely productive activities. You will be missed. You will be mourned. You won’t be forgotten.
In losing you, nap, I am reminded that my baby is growing up, he won’t always be this little and time is speeding by.
My baby is now my big boy.
And you, nap, have moved on. To my next slumberer. The new king of 30 minutes….
I have actually forgotten about those days until I read this post. My oldest didn’t nap unless he was in his swing or sitting in someone’s lap. He wasn’t a great sleeper. My youngest napped until he was three. I haven’t thought about those naps in a long time. Brings back memories. Thanks for sharing!
No problem! I loved naptime sob x
With nap time gone it means nursery can’t be far away, so slightly more time to not get things done in 🙂
Very true! Nursery time is useful for productivity. I mean blogging. Obvs.
Awwwww … what a fab post. Imagine all the fun activities that awaits you, and the extra time to spend with your growing boy. They truly grow SO QUICKLY though this is clearer in hindsight.
Nolstagic but SO EXCITING. I look forward to reading about how you get on with it. To the next slumberer, indeed :-). #Facebbok
It’s very true we can go out all day now and not think about rushing back for nap time and the little one can nap on the go x
Fab (and honest). We’re about a year on from eliminating Kara’s naps, which on the one hand has made days out much less challenging logistically. On the other hand, when we’re not out it’s definitely full-on all the time. I’d forgotten how mice it was to have that little 45-minute period of peace and quiet in the day …
Completely true Tim, I love the freedom of knowing we can be out all day but the tantrumming and afternoons at the moment are challenging as he wants to sleep he’s so chronically tired. Still bedtime comes around faster. Silver linings!
Great post – love the honest list of what you do through nap time. Hopefully by cutting it you might get some nights where he goes to bed early so you can get everything done! Thanks for hosting #effitfriday
That’s true and it means i can go to bed at 9 knowing the toddler is still asleep x
Yes I did think wow that’s her blogging cut in half (eek). I used to LOVE nap time. I carried it on for five years lol.
Haha yep blogging time is now limited to when feeding the baby with the toddler occupied! I love naptime for me still
Great post!
I live in terror of losing the nap. Can I ask how old your little one is?
He is 2 years and 9 months so we had a good run and they are coming back for holidays!!
Got a while yet then hopefully. J is only 21 months.
Oh my gosh. The fear is real for me. Oliver is almost the same age and goes to bed late, but on the days he doesn’t nap bed time is horrific so he isn’t ready yet thank goodness but I know it won’t be long! You’ll have to give me some tips when the time comes!
I remember when my daughter suddenly decided she didn’t need nap time anymore, I struggled and missed those quiet times. Although you would sometimes find her fast asleep on the floor in the middle of what she was playing with
nooooo I have had so many no nap days already but we usually get an hour. I love your list…you do what I do…anything but chores. Good luck and I love the photos xx #effitfriday
I remember how heartbroken I was when my daughter decided to drop her daily nap, but by the end it was such a struggle getting her to sleep. All that precious mid-afternoon time to myself, gone. You have my sympathy. #effitfriday
Oh yes, the day every parent dreads… Mine were both two. I still miss nap time… Sobs!! Sends sympathy! #effitfriday
I feel your pain! When my eldest stopped his naps I was like ‘what the?!’ But as my youngest napped it gave us some time together but now my youngest is dropping the nap – how will I cope! #effitfriday xx
oh no, bad times!! I must admit, I really look forward to nap times because it gives me a chance to do all those things you listed but its getting harder and harder to get Elliot down for one these days. it’s not a problem if we’re out in the car but no chance if I’m at home with him! There is one benefit to no nap days though – early bedtime!! #effitfriday xx
It’s a catch 22 evenings on our own or a lovely break in the middle of the day
My bubba’s still on the two naps a day… can do up to 90 mins a time… so I feel your pain. The day the nap goes will be a sad day indeed 🙂
I thought I was sad when 2 dropped to one…. its nothing compared to now!
My deepest condolences for your loss. I am fighting the battle for my 3 year old not to give up his afternoon nap as I use it to catch up on my trashy tele/fart about on social media – but he missed a nap yesterday because of his birthday party and slept in till 8 this morning and that was lovely (of course it would of been better if his brother hadn’t insisted on getting up at 4.30am) #effitfriday
Haha! I’m glad I’m not alone with the productive use of naptime.
I too miss naps. Haven’t seen them around since about 2013. My youngest, who is only 3 gave them up entirely too soon as she didn’t want to miss anything that her brother and sister were doing. Love your cross outs! Thanks for hostessing #effitfridays. I am playing serious catch up today.
2013 is a long time…. poor you!!! X
I’m dreading the end because I don’t know how I’ll fit the blog in without it! Great post. x