So we are now the proud owners of a three year old. And having a birthday means a cake. So I asked the Toddler what he wanted and he said a digger cake. Well actually he said he wanted planes first but I didn’t think I’d be able to do that so digger was the second choice.
I think it turned out pretty well.
The kids all loved it and it made a spectacular centrepiece while being easy to make!
The Cake
I made a chocolate fudge cake but cheated on the icing as that was from a tub. Got to love Betty Crocker.
Chocolate Fudge Cake
175g Self Raising Flour
50g Cocoa Powder
1 tsp Bicarbonate of Soda
150g Caster Sugar
2 Eggs, beaten
150ml Sunflower Oil
150ml Milk (I used whole milk)
2 Tbsp Golden Syrup
How To Do It
1. Pre-heat the oven to 180 degrees and grease4 and line a 9″ baking tin
2. Sieve the flour, cocoa and bicarbonate of soda into a bowl.
3. Add the sugar and mix throughly
4. Make a well in the centre and add the “wet” ingredients (syrup, eggs, oil, milk)
5. Whisk with an electric whisk on low speed until combined, then whisk at a higher speed for 2 minutes
6. Pour into the tin and bake for 45-50 mins
7. Once cooked, leave in tin to cool completely before turning out
The Rocks
I made mini cornflake cakes to cover the silver cake board, with smarties sprinkled over with diggers digging up the cornflake cakes.
Making the Construction Digger Cake
Step by Step
1. Ice the cake
2. Cut a piece half way down the cake and flip that back onto the cake to make your hole and mound
3. Scrape the filling from 8 Oreo cookies and grind in a blender to make the soil.
4. Sprinkle the Oreo soil over the cake hill and in the hole
5. Place the digger on top “digging” the hole
6. Surround with mini diggers and cornflake cake rocks. Sprinkle with smarties!
Digger Cake
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I adore this idea! How clever and it looks just fab. Hope he had a wonderful 3rd birthday x
Destruction as decoration! He really did its lovely how he knows it’s his birthday now x
Ooh, I love this! I am rubbish at decorating cakes so pulling one apart looks much easier!! I have bookmarked this for my son’s 3rd birthday.
Honestly it was so easy, I’m good at making the edible cake bit not so much the making it pretty so this was perfect. And I managed to do it all with the Toddler “helping”….
Wow this looks brilliant! Especially love the ‘soil’, what a great idea! Bet it tasted great too, it’s making me hungry! Becky x #ToddlerApprovedTuesday
It was delicious 🙂
Wowzas! What an amzing cake! I bet the kids loved it!! Thanks for linking up to #ToddlerApprovedTuesday
Thank you! The boys all went crazy and grabbed a digger each to really get the benefit….!
Awesome cake! Surprisingly simple idea but so effective!
Thanks Charlotte! And it didn’t need to be perfect which is great as I’m a messy baker!
It looks fab, you did such a good job! Thanks so much for linking up to #SundaySweets xx