We all have children’s classics that we love, that our children love, that we remember from childhood right? Recently, my perspective has changed somewhat on these books, I’m seeing the alternative message, the subliminal message, the alternative moral of the story……
(Yes most are Julia books, we are BIG fans!)
Stick Man – Julia Donaldson
So Stick Man wakes up early one day before the kids and decides to make the most of his time alone by going for a jog leading to all sorts of adventures that take him far away from home before Santa saves the day. First things first, if the kids are asleep you should still be asleep. Secondly, it just goes to show that jogging is bad for you on all levels. Best not to really.
Gruffalo – Julia Donaldson
Possibly the most iconic children’s book of our time, everybody knows the Gruffalo, a mouse taking a stroll through the deep dark wood and making it out by the skin of his teeth from those pesky predators by inventing a Gruffalo who likes to eat said predator. Before it’s revealed that the Gruffalo is indeed a real creature with a penchant for mouse on bread. Lies don’t pay. Things come true. But be cunning and you’ll still do fine.
Each Peach, Pear, Plum – Janet and Allan Ahlberg
Old school classic game of eye spy with famous story characters such as the three bears, Jack and Jill. And a plum pie. That spies everyone, who then sit down and eat said pie.
Six degrees of separation in story world just like the real world it would seem.
The Scarecrows Wedding – Julia Donaldson
Two scarecrows plan their wedding, one you’ll never forget, create a list and hop off round the farm to get it. Betty gets tired, understandable it’s hard work being a bridal scarecrow so Harry sets off for the final piece of the wedding jigsaw. The pink flowers. And takes so long a new scarecrow takes his place. Don’t send a man to do a woman’s job…….
Monkey Puzzle – Julia Donaldson
Poor little monkey has lost his mummy, butterfly swoops in to steal the glory of reuniting them but makes all sorts of assumptions. Poor monkey is taken to an elephant, a parrot, a snake all because Butterfly just assumed what his mummy would look like. Always always ask!
Room on the Broom – Julia Donaldson
You know the story, the witch loses a bunch of stuff because of the dreadful weather, flies down, can’t find it and is ever grateful to whichever animal finds it who then takes up position on the broom. Obviously brooms are not built for that many people.
There was an old lady who swallowed a fly
And a whole host of other stuff. Kind of obvious moral here; steer clear of bugs. They kill.
The Rest
Now of course this is just a small sample from the toddler’s Julia Donaldson heavy bookcase, there are many, many more children’s books out there which have alternate morals of the story.
Red Riding Hood? Be careful when you go visiting Grandma, her teeth are sharp.
Goldilocks? If you’re going to steal anything then make sure it’s off the baby because all of their stuff is always just right
Goodnight Moon? You will have to say goodnight to everything your child will see and it still won’t make them go to sleep however many times you try….
The Boy Who Cried Wolf?Doesn’t apply to parents as you will always rush to your childs aid “just in case”
Mummy, I need a wee!!!
Shh, go back to bed, you’ve just been
No I really really really need a wee
You daren’t risk it, you go, they’ve cried wolf yet you know you will go again next time.
What about you? What stories do you see a different meaning in?
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Thanks Charlotte 🙂
Haha fab post! When I’m reading books, I sometimes think how actually crazy they are. Didn’t know some of these Julia books existed though! Will have to buy them (we love her too!). #fartglitter
And of course there is What the Ladybird Heard – it’s perfectly acceptable and life saving to eavesdrop…..x
Brilliant, just brilliant…..I need to go and check out the ones in our collection…… ‘the snail and the whale’ and ‘superworm’ may hold different meanings, I need to know, ha! Popping over from #fartglitter
Haha I’ve never read Superworm but I need to think of one for the snail and the whale, something round when he’s lying beached on the bay because he’s too big to move on land? Cut down on cakes otherwise move to the sea?? X
Aaaaw how clever. I love this post. I am with you with the The Boy Who Cried Wolf. 😉
Thanks Melody – yep but you just can’t take then risk that it is wolf!
Ah enjoyed this 🙂 We’re big readers in our home and have obviously read all of these books. Loving the alternative meanings though :)) #AnythingGoes
We love reading but we get attached to one book at a time so read it over and over giving chance to find alternative meanings! Z
Absolutely love this! I often sit back and think about what the story is really saying, behind all the funny characters… Shared on my FB page too 🙂
Thanks Kelly 🙂 it’s always the jogging that I come back too! It’s like how Disney have a secondary humour line for adults! X
I’ve yet to come across most of these books. This post makes me stop and wonder what sort of books I’ll be sharing with the little one. #fartglitter
Ahh Julia Donaldson is the queen of toddler writing! Pre-Toddler I only knew of the gruffalo and now we have quite the collection!
Aaah that brings back memories. Each Peach Pear Plum – I must have read that a million times. Had never picked up on the hidden message in that one though. Maybe I need to read it again! #AnythingGoes
Just how they all know each other for the big picnic in the end, either fairytale land is very small or the law of 6 degrees of separation must be in play!