Travel. Adventure. Exploration. The world is a small place, with so much to see, so much to do, so much to experience. But just what makes a perfect holiday?
When I first met my husband he lit a fire in me that I never knew existed, a deep desire to see and experience as much of the world as humanly possible. From the majesty of the temples in Angkor Wat to the perfect beauty on the beaches in the Perhentian Islands. From the hustle and bustle of the Christmas Markets in Brussels to the tranquility of the open sea while cruising.

Having the boys hasn’t diminished this desire, if anything they’ve made it stronger. It’s one thing to see the sights through your own eyes, to experience the wonder, to see the unbelievable. To watch the same through a childs eyes? The innocence of youth brings a whole new magical perspective to something you may have seen a thousand times before but never really seen.
On top of that, I want to be able to pass that passion on. To light the same fire in them that my husband lit in me all those years ago. To show them that the world truly is their oyster, and it is out there for the taking. That each and every holiday can be a perfect holiday for different reasons.
Mixing children with travelling isn’t always easy and our perfect holiday has come a long way from the days where we were standing in arrivals, backpack on, Lonely Planet in (the husbands) hand, no idea where we were laying head. Our perfect holiday now requires planning, execution, and more planning. But we are getting there, and having dragged taken the boys all round the world we are slowly perfecting our perfect holiday recipe.
Now it is time for me to share.
Our Perfect Holiday Recipe
Take three boys
No holiday would be complete without my best friend by my side to scheme with me, to discover new things with and to guide us through new countries (thanks to my complete lack of direction, navigation, common sense) with his trusty guidebook.

And of course the little monkeys by our side, with us fanning the flames of travel as we stock up their memory banks with thousands of little memories. Sandy toes on beautiful beaches. Sleepy cuddles in the open air. Wandering through grassy banks. Walking into the sunset.
Add one BIG plane
For the plane geeks in my life. Big and small.

A dollop of sunshine
Blue skies with white puffs of cloud floating past, casting golden hues across new landscapes waiting to be discovered. Little feet ready to take off over new lands, running, rushing, laughing.

A tablespoon of anticipation
There is nothing more exciting than the butterflies in your tummy as you land in a new place, the new sights that await, the food to be sampled. You’ve read all you can read about somewhere but nothing compares to first walking out, really experiencing the words you have read so avidly leading up to the trip.

A cupful of adventure
Adventure comes in all forms, from swimming with sharks to swimming with babies for the first time. From jumping off a lighthouse into the crystal clear sea to pushing a pram through winding, twirling roads finding the best falafel in the world. From sipping red wine with rare steak in Argentina to kids clubs aboard massive cruise ships.
Adventure comes in many forms, with many people. What makes each adventure more magical is sharing it with those I love.

One camera, poised
Photography is something that I’m new too, having discovered a new found love of Instagram. The possibilities are endless, not just making the memories but capturing them too. Forever immortalised, hanging in our home, bringing sunshine to dark, winter days. Smiling at the memories, a thousand rushing back from one photo captured candidly.

A dose of Kids Club
Because while they do make everything magical, well, it’s always good to have a break. To allow them to run and make new friends. To try things with people their own size. To let them have their own adventures that can be dined out at dinner time, not only during that perfect holiday, but for years to come. The stories of childhood holidays shared forever round dinner table, as my childhood stories were shared.
But mostly to remember that while you are Mummy, you are Daddy, you are also more than that. I am more than that. I am Laura. I am a wife. We are a couple. That’s important too. We need our own adventures on our own, just as the boys do.

Mix it all together, and bake for 7-12 hours, using the plane
Fly away somewhere new, somewhere exotic, somewhere together, me and my three boys.
Pour everyone off the plane, the anticipation gurgling in tummies. Sunshine caressing faces. Adventures waiting to be started. Memories waiting to be captured. Romance in the air.
Sit back, relax, explore, enjoy. Travel.
That’s my perfect holiday.
This is my entry into the Creative Writer Mark Warner Family Ambadassor Programme to become a #MarkWarnerMum – wish us luck as we love to travel and would love to work with Mark Warner.
Ahh so many people are applying for this, i’ve seen so many great entries! I love how you’ve set yours up like a recipe, really cute and creative, good luck with your entry! x
Thanks Jess, there have been some fantastic entries. I’ve loved all the poems, but I am not the best at rhyming 🙂
Great post! The best thing I did last year was take the girls on holiday to Thailand! Such an amazing experience. And so many photos to look back at.
It sounds wonderful. Whereabouts in Thailand did you go? I really want to head to Bangkok!
lovely post – makes me want to get on a plane for some sunshine! good luck x
Thanks Rebecca – sunshine makes everything better!x
I’m envious. Used to travel a lot before I had my daughter. Nowadays, we don’t travel much (though we still manage now and then), especially since our travels have to be done during half-term break or the summer holidays which can be very expensive. Your post has just fuelled my need to travel again!
Awww this is lovely! I love the photos and the stories 🙂 It definitely is lovely to travel as a family 🙂
Gemma xx
Aw good luck! How I wish I could have some sunshine right now a girl can only dream right? I want to go and travel the world!
And there is so much of the world to see!
I agree, we have been travelling with our children since they were tiny. They have made all their best memories on holiday. Next to their formal education, it has been our greatest gift to them which has given them both lots of confidence and wanderlust ha! Good luck with your entry and thank you linking up X #Candidcuddles
Wishing you good luck and hope you win, such a lovely recipe for a perfect family holiday.I am traveling a lot alone but once i settle down i want to continue with the kids
Thanks Miranda, travel is so enriching whatever stage of life that you are at.
Wow – I admire your adventurous spirit so much. I have a 3yo and a 1yo and, budget aside, we haven’t attempted many trips yet. Our oldest has asd and struggles so much with routine and queuing is not something he can do at all – so we are waiting to resume our travels – at least until we can explain better to him and it is a bit more manageable. Your holiday looks gorgeous 🙂
Thank you – we had an amazing time everywhere we’ve been. Everyone is different and travel doesn’t have to always mean heading abroad it can be as simple as exploring the strawberry fields down the road I think. Though I understand that ASD will make things more difficult especially at this age when it’s more difficult to explain xx
Good luck hon, its a lovely post and I really like the comments you have added to the photos. We have our annual family holiday and once our second is here and a little older I hope that we will be able to travel more. My OH had to have everything planned but to be honest thats not too much of an issue with kids now. I will have to satisfy my urge by visiting lots of places in the UK while on mat leave 🙂 xx
You always need a planner (which is my husband more than me, I’m a seat of my pants kind of girl). You do some lovely travelling round the uK, I loved your butterfly post 🙂
I love this! some fantastic quotes too! it really does help them experience the world and different cultures, which gives them more understanding (and stories) when they get older! 🙂
I love the quotes as well, they just sum up the adventure of travelling!
So many exciting trips – more than I’ve ever been on. None of us have passports – mine and the OH’s need renewing and N’s never been abroad. The OH is miserable and never wants to go on holiday and I don’t want to do a first one with N on my own.
There are so many lovely places in the UK to visit as well – it must be difficult with the farm as well to get away?
Wow what a beautiful and very creative entry. I’ve seen a lot of these and this is great. You’ve seen some stunning places.
Thanks Alexandra, it’s our guilty pleasure to travel the world! Every so often I get a message from the husband asking if I fancy another trip because he’s found a deal!
Ooo good luck Laura! You would make a terrific ambassador. This post makes me want to travel! I also love traveling with our kids. The anticipation is definitely part of the fun. Seeing new places & discovering new things is what it’s all about! Thanks so much for sharing with candid cuddles x
Lovely post Laura, I am the same as you as you know just love traveling with my family, creating lovely family memories, good luck xx
I love how this was written, so good. You have had some wonderful adventures. I can’t wait till we get to finally go on a family holiday!
Good luck! I love this post. Travelling and family holidays are the best and are wonderful for making memories. All the best xx
I love the way you have done this post, good luck with your entry. You have some lovely family photos included xx
This has become my new fave post by you. Deserve to win it. x
I completely share your passion for travelling…even more so now I have children. I love how you’ve written this post it’s so creative. One of the best entries I’ve seen. Good Luck!
Well from reading this amazing post I think you should definitely win the opportunity. I’ve read a few of these posts now and this is the BEST one by miles and miles. Unbelievably cute and such gorgeous photos.
Good luck.
Laura x
Oh yes, a dash of kids club. Essential for the perfect family hols 🙂 Good luck with the entry love x
Love this post! Such a fab entry into the creative writing category. I decided not to enter this year as baby number 2 is due in May and travelling isn’t on our agenda. Good luck! xx
Lovely post! My husband is a travel addict too, he have passed his passion to me when we got married and now sharing it with our kids. Wishing you all the luck… By the way, I have chosen your post as my fav quote for this sunday’s candid cuddles as I co-host Becky. #candidcuddles