I love a good parody. I love them even more when they’re a Mummy parody. I love them most however when they’ve been written especially for me….a mealtime Mummy parody, composed for yours truly!
Last week, as the Baby was lobbing his dinner at my head, I read a wonderful parody to Row, Row, Row your boat by the lovely Gemma from Life is Knutts. I giggled as a piece of bread bounced off my temple and shot her a quick comment to tell her she’d brightened my day and could she write me something about mealtimes… Then I returned my full attention to the boys as the Big One declared the lovingly prepared dinner yucky and shot the plate across the table. Not to worry I have super fast reflexes and caught it before it went on the floor (I don’t, it did)
And then I thought no more about it, scraping dinner off the floor whilst still being assaulted with half chewed carrots. The lovely Gemma hadn’t though and she wrote me this lovely piece that I’ve chuckled my way through.
All together now to the tune of Hickory Dickory Dock….
Fiddly diddly dee, it’s almost time for tea,
Whatever she serves, I’m planning to swerve,
And I’m planning to test mummy’s nerve.
Fiddly diddly dood, mummy’s just dished up the food,
I screamed and I howled, at the plate I scowled,
So for some reason puds not allowed?!
Fiddly diddly door, the food ended up on the floor,
The peas were crushed, the carrots were mushed,
Mummy cried and she yelled, “please no more!”
Fiddly diddly dive, I’m not sure my mummy’s alive…
She’s on the floor, and I think that she swore,
Maybe she can’t take anymore?
Fiddly diddly dick, I ate a pea and was sick,
Mummy shouted some more and she slammed a door,
Mealtimes are really a chore.
Fiddly diddle daw, mummy’s sitting down on the floor,
A bottle of gin with some lime thrown in,
Now she’s smiling and angry no more.
For more from the talented Gemma you can pop over to Life is Knutts, find her on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
Awww now that’s #bloggerlove right there!
Haha! brilliant! well done Gemma! #effitfriday
Hahah I love this! It would be hilarious if it wasn’t so bloody true!! Meal times are SUCH a chore in this house, they usually end in tears – mine as well as the kids!! Thanks for hosting #effitfriday
LOL! Thats fantastic!!!!!
Haha! What a funny rhyme! Who wrote that?! They are so talented!
Oh wait, it was me!
Only joking, I’m not talented or funny – but I’m glad you’ve all loved it and thanks so much again Laura (from the bottom of my gin tumbler) for being so kind!
Making up these sort of songs seems to have become my life! I don’t post them on my blog as mine are not as good as this one, but I do find that I have done more singing that has ever previously been necessary since having a child. #effitfriday
Haha brilliant! I do love an amusing post and an amusing post that rhymes is even better!
Gin solves everything – the sooner we accept this the better!! #effitfriday
ha ha brilliant! I love Gemma’s blog and this is fantastic! Love the trademark gin mention at the end 🙂 #effitfridays
Mealtimes are my least favourite part.of the day. The mess, the fighting and the stains I just don’t want to deal with it! This is hilarious!! X