This time three years ago I was a blushing bride to be. Walking down the aisle to marry my very own Prince Charming. Well, I walked down eventually, after standing outside having to wait in four inch heels while there was a music glitch. The first person from the room to see me was one of the ushers after the husband sent him up to check whether I’d done a runner……
I digress. Three years married, three sometimes wonderful, sometimes tough, sometimes ordinary, sometimes exceptional, sometimes mundane, years. Ending every day we are together with a goodnight, I love you.
Three years married.
Which got me thinking about the numbers that celebrate us. Those numbers that make us, us.
Eight years together
Near enough. Come July. And if you gloss over some of the early days….
Three years married
Two children
Two boys. Two little, blonde haired cherubs. Two little cheeky monkeys. One born in London, one in Dubai.

Two countries lived in
The familiarity of the UK, where we had spent most of our lives. Settling down into a life together in the capital. Having a baby, getting to know people. Getting a job offer and heading out to the sandpit otherwise known as Dubai. A new life together, an expat life. Raising expat brats (ahem)
Four cities lived in
Liverpool. Manchester. London. Dubai.
Five homes together
Five continents travelled
South America – with the fabulous proposal at Iguazu Falls.
North America – loosely, the Caribbean counts?!

Thirty One countries visited
From the first city break out to Rome to a weekend away without children in the Maldives. A hectic travel schedule with a baby to the Christmas Markets in Belgium to singing the Copacabana in Rio. Exploring ancient cities in Angkor and Petra.
So many planes taken, hand holding on the landing that I hate so much.
More kisses than I ever dreamed of, and more tears that I care to remember.
Happy times, sad times, exciting times.
Time together. Time apart.
Three years married.
Here’s to many more.
Congratulations! What a nice way to look back on it all.
Oh what a lovely post and trip down happy memory lane! Happy Anniversary lovely! Gorgeous pics x x
Ahhh what a lovely post! Happy 3rd anniversary! Oh and you lived in Liverpool – awesome!!! My home city! xx
Congratulations! Hubby and I also celebrated our 3rd wedding anniversary this year, and have been together 8 1/2 years. It’s lovely to look back on the happy memories you create together isn’t it. Here’s to many more happy years ahead. #coolmumclub
Congratulations!! What a beautiful post to celebrate all the amazing things you have done, and achieved together! So much travelling-I’m really very envious!! What a gorgeous family, and some gorgeous photos-and yes-here’s wishing you many more happy years in the future!!
Ah what a lovely post! Here’s to many more lovely numbers hon. Thanks for linking up to #coolmumclub lovely x
Beautiful post and I love your list of all the numbers that define you as a couple. Travel is clearly a big thing for both of you and I hope you get to visit many more wonderful places together and build more memories. Happy anniversary to you both x #coolmumclub
Ah bless, what a lovely post. I’m terrible with dates and numbers but I know it will be 5 years for us this year – our honeymoon was to the Rugby World Cup in New Zealand so I’ll always know our anniversaries by Rugby years 😉 Happy anniversary.
Wow 31 countries – that’s amazing! Congrats on your 3 year anniversary. This is a lovely idea for a post. You two have done so much together! My husband & I will be celebrating 10 years this July 🙂 Thanks so much for linking up with #BloggerClubUK
Such a lovely post! I love looking back on my time with James! You really have done so much in your 8 years! Happy anniversary lovely! I hope you had a lovely day! #bloggerclubuk xx
Such a lovely post!! congrats on 3 years!!
How lovely to take a trip down memory lane, you have some beautiful photo’s. Happy Anniversary, I hope you both had a wonderful day x
I love this – we have just recently celebrated 6 years of marriage. Happy anniversary!
Wow you’ve been to lots of countries! Love the idea of this post! #thelist
Ah happy anniversary! What a fab post huni, really enjoyed reading. Thanks for linking up to #TheList x
Sob. Oh my God. I’m an emotional mess after the kisses and tears bit. Waaaaah. So lovely. x