So last week life carried away with me, but it’s Friday once more and I have picked the ball up. Yes Friday which can mean but one thing here on Life with Baby Kicks – #effitfriday the ultimate rant linky party is back for all things ranty. Any rant big or small is welcome. Funny or serious it doesn’t matter, all that matters is that you got it off your chest when you wrote it.
My #effitfriday Rant
As I said, life has gotten a little bit away with me. No sleep. Final documentation for our life in Qatar being sorted. Making new friends. Did I mention no sleep? The blog posts have suffered a little but I am back this week with a brand new one.
Making friends as an expat often means heading to coffee mornings. Have you ever been to a coffee morning with a toddler in tow?
My #effitfriday Rant of the Week
Thank you all for linking up last week I loved the variety of rants that I was able to read.
This week I have loved Kaye’s post all about poo. Since becoming a parent my whole life has pretty much revolved around poo, from potty training to nappy changing with baby on the move. I totally related to Kaye’s post because you know, poo gets the best of us…..
Now grab the badge and lets get ranting.
The Badge

As always there are only 2 rules for #effitfridays the ultimate rant linky:
1. Add the badge to your post
2. Comment on at least 2 other posts INCLUDING the post directly before yours. Commenting is what makes linkys work and we all love a bit
Please feel free to link as many posts as you wish.
Make sure to tweet me your link on Twitter @Laura_BabyKicks using #effitfriday and I will be sure to retweet for you.
The linky will run from 6am GMT Friday till 23:55pm GMT Tuesday.
Bless your heart! Coffee is a necessity no matter who you are, but even more so for Mama’s who aren’t sleeping. Hopefully, some z’s are heading your way! Linking up, but not really with a rant so much. Thanks for hosting!