Why I have no plans to KonMari my life

All around me I keep seeing references to KonMari.  The de-cluttering book that will change your life.

If you don’t love it, if it doesn’t have a home, it doesn’t belong.

I’ve seen the beautiful drawers, all colour coordinated and easy to see at a glance what there is.

I’ll be honest, I’ve drooled over the minimalism and the beauty that I’ve seen on Instagram.

You could possibly even go as far as to say I’ve been inspired by them.  Possibly.  Yet I’ve no plans to KonMari my life anytime soon.

But it’s not for me

The minimalism is simply stunning, beautiful and eye catching.  But it wouldn’t last 5 minutes in my house, and not because of the kids.  Oh no.  Because of me.

I am a hoarder.

I collect things, people, objects, trinkets.  As I type, surrounding me on my dining room table are precarious piles of paper, the letter that my son wrote for me at school, my bullet journal, important documents that I needed for a recent appointment.  That’s not to mention the neatly stacked toys and games that the boys pull out and play with on the carpet in the middle of the room.  The Noah’s Ark, the LEGO tub, the yappy little dog thing that we were gifted.

I simply have to look around and I see things that aren’t useful, that don’t necessarily make my heart sing, but they definitely don’t make my heart cry.  Not enough for me to confine everything to the tip that’s for sure.

Our beautiful antique chest, filled with bits of paper, various birthday cards and filled with old phones, which are probably worth some money and I should sell iphone online, yet are more likely to end up in a toy box somewhere.

Our beautiful chest – filled with stuff!

The bookshelves housing a host of travel books, chick lit and random collections we picked up in train stations back in the days when we had time to read when we travelled.  All intermingled with children’s drawing, random felt tips and toys we’ve had to put up high out of reach of the littlest terror.

The beloved collection of so old fashioned DVDs.  A precarious stack of board games.  Random inherited artefacts.

Could I really cull any of it?

Would it really make me feel freer?

I don’t think so, I think deep down I have the soul of a hoarder, and to even pick up the KonMari book would make me feel like I needed to do something about it.  And right now I’m happy with my hoarded collection.

Plus I don’t really like tidying, or the way things get worse before they get better.

Ask me again when it’s time to move house however…. then I think I’ll be purchasing The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying: A simple, effective way to banish clutter forever and seeing if it changes my life as it’s has so many others, Katy included.

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