We all have those mornings where we just need to get things done! Whether you’re working from home and need to focus on your work, or you have lots of household chores that need doing. All these things sound perfectly easy to tackle, until you have a toddler thrown into the mix! A toddler that has chosen today of all days to need entertaining and lots of attention!
Its difficult to make the understand that the quicker you get these jobs completed then the sooner you can sit down together and have some fun – and during nap time you can enjoy reading about the Met Gala (asking yourself, what is the Met Gala? Click the link to find out more), or just enjoying a hot cup of tea, rather than a cold one for change!
So, with that in mind, here you’ll find 4 simple ways to keep your toddler busy.
Good luck!
Toddler simply LOVE feeling that they’re in charge and feeling grown up. So, why not indulge that? If you have a small broom, a little dustpan and brush or even an unspoilt cleaning cloth and then set them to work. Give them explicit instructions on what you want them to clean – for example, dusting down the kitchen cupboards or the front of the fridge and then let them loose. They will absolutely love being given such an important task and they’ll take plenty of time cleaning up the dirt they can see, and the pretend stuff too!

Mix it up
This one could be the stuff of nightmares for some parents, especially if you don’t like too much mess but this one will certainly keep them busy for a while! Toddler love being like mummy and daddy, so fill up a plastic bowl with some dry ingredients; flour, sugar, maybe some dry pasta, give them a spoon and tell them to get mixing! You might have to keep adding some ingredients as they inevitably loose most of it on the floor, but this will certainly keep them busy for a while.
Washing food
This one is great and it’s a firm favourite in our house. It combines two things that toddlers love: a task and water. Set them up safely by the sink or with a little bowl of water and hand them a couple of tomatoes, maybe an apple or a banana etc, and ask them to wash the produce. You might have to sacrifice some pieces of fruit and veg, but it’ll certainly keep them busy!
Stick them in the bath
When I want to clean the bathroom, or if I have to spend some time replying to emails, I often run my little one a bath and let them play to their hearts content. I’ll bring a chair into the bathroom, so I know they’re safe and being supervised while I get some admin sorted. And because they’ve had a bath and they’re all squeaky clean (for now) I don’t have to worry about finding the time to bathe them later in the day.

How do you like to keep your toddler busy?
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