There is no need to rush Mummy

There’s no need to rush Mummy, sit here with me, let’s snuggle up together whilst no one else is around.

Mum cuddling baby.  There's no need to rush Mummy

You see I won’t be this little for long.

One day I’ll push away from you, want to explore, see new things, new people.

I’ll be so busy running that I won’t have time for cuddles.

There’s no need to rush Mummy

The bathroom floor can be cleaned another day. Clothes don’t need to be ironed. The dishes can wait.

There’s no need to rush.

You don’t need to put me down Mummy. Not if you don’t want to. Don’t worry about what the books say Mummy. I won’t be carried forever. One day the bathroom floor will be clean.

Mum breastfeeding baby

There’s no need to rush Mummy

Don’t worry about feeding me solids too early, too late. Or that I’m not on three meals a day when the books said I should be.

There’s no rush Mummy.

I’m growing bigger every day, we’ll get there. I’ll be eating breakfast, lunch and dinner before you know it.

Mum carrying baby in ergo carrier on beach in seychelles

There’s no need to rush Mummy

Through the milestones, the sitting, the walking, the crawling, the rolling.

The endless nights googling and worrying that I still have no teeth. That I can’t roll front to back. When other babies can.

I will get there Mummy, and I bet you’ll look back with longing at the non-crawling baby that stayed where you put him.

Mum and baby

There’s no need to rush Mummy

Words will come. Babbling. Pointing. Words. Sentences.

Just because I can say Da-Da doesn’t mean I love you any less. It just means it’s easier to say.

Words will come Mummy. And conversations.

Mum holding baby and flying them in the air

There’s no need to rush Mummy

Sleeping through the night will come. One day I will sleep. I promise.

I know it’s hard and I know it’s tough but it won’t be forever I promise.

Mum holding a sleeping baby kissing the top of his head

There’s no need to rush Mummy

All those things you worry about, and I know there are a million. They will seem like a distant memory when I skip through the gates at school.

No one will know then how I was born early, via a planned section.

No one will wonder if I was weaned using purees or finger foods.

No one will give a second thought as to whether I was breast fed or bottle fed.

When I first rolled? No importance.

When I first walked? Who cares?

My first words? No one will know.

So Mummy? Let’s not rush the time we have together.

Sit down Mummy. Let’s have a cuddle on the couch together.

One day, all too soon, I’ll be bigger you see. And you’ll wonder why you rushed.

Baby asleep on Mum shoulder in garden - pink flowers


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