We knew the leap of going from two kids to three kids would be a big one.
That so much in life is tailored to a family of four rather than of five.
Two adults, two children tickets.
Hotel rooms for four.
It wasn’t something we really thought of.
Until we had to.
In our upcoming cruise….. in 2021 to give us time to pay for it …. we have even ended up in two cabins because we can’t fit in one. One adult per cabin.
The extra seat on the plane.

The extra space in a taxi.
The bigger dinner table.
The extra cost.
But it’s the other little things, how we need to think about a 4 seater sofa over a 3 seater to try and squish us all on. And that solution will probably only work until these boys of ours grow into great hulking teenagers. At which point we’ll probably need a sofa each….
How we had to upgrade our car to fit three car seats in, and two adults.
The extra bedroom on the house, even with the bigger ones sharing.
Extra plane tickets at extra cost. Holiday issues.
And of course the span of six years between the oldest and the youngest, the differing abilities and interests, that make planning days out more difficult.

Where one can run a 3k, one can run a mini race and the other can sit in the pram and watch the world go by…..
Or one can crawl round baby soft play whilst the others complain that it’s too young, too boring.
And it’s up to me to fix it for them. To find something that appeals to everyone (no easy feat, but I did manage it at CurioCITY last month)
The thing is, not only can I not change it, I would never choose to change it. When we made the decision to try for a third child, although some of these issues came up, it never lessened the fact we wanted our third child.
So we tried.
And more than that. We were lucky that he arrived, perfect and healthy.
Completing our family.
No matter whether we now miss out on the family ticket deals (though some places are cottoning onto more children, thank you Tram Museum!!)
Our family is perfect.

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