You might want to become self-employed by creating your own blog or perhaps you’d like to have an outlet for your own creative expression but wouldn’t mind earning some money from it. I mean, earning money doing what you love, is exactly what everyone wants, right?
If you have your own blog and want to start looking at ways to make money from it or if you are set to start your blog to share your ideas, this article is for you! I’ve put together four ways you can earn money from your blog.
Affiliate marketing.
When you are starting out, affiliate marketing is one of the most popular methods to make money. This article on the Entrepreneur mentions that “all you have to do is develop content that will ultimately be in harmony with whatever affiliate offers you plan to push out.”
For instance, if you are running a parenting blog, you can easily talk about useful products for your readers, such as baby toys and baby carriers, and when your readers click on the links for the products, you receive a commission from that interaction.
Set-up an online store.
If you already have an audience you can sell to, selling a book, products or online courses will be a great way to make some money from your blog. If you want to sell physical products, such as merchandise, creating an e-commerce store would be the way to go.
WooCommerce and Magento are the two most popular e-commerce platforms available. If your blog is already on WordPress and you are looking to sell a small number of products, WooCommerce could be the easiest option out of the two. It’s a WordPress plugin which is easy-to-use and perfect for beginners. London Magento agency Ad Lab recommends the Magento platform if you are looking to set-up a medium to large online store. This platform is a more robust and powerful alternative to WooCommerce, and it will allow you to smoothly sell your products and to easily expand your store.
Display ads.
Another easy way to earn passive income is by having display ads, also known as banner ads, in your website. Google AdSense is one of the most popular ad networks that you can add to your blog, it offers ads that are relevant to your content and it allows you to block ads that you don’t like.
If you’ve had your blog for a while, you’ve acquired some sought-after skills, from different types of writing to social media management and more. Plus, your blog is your portfolio, so you’ve already got a lot of examples to show people who might be interested in your skills. You can either advertise these skills on your blog or on websites such as Upwork and People Per Hour.
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