Do You Love Your Website?

If your answer is ‘meh!’ then this may not be the article for you as the people visiting your business pretty much have the same idea about your business.

The reason being that identity online is the only voice you have on that medium. If you are not bothered about having it working for you, why even have it? It’s a waste of time, effort and expense… and not just for you. That’s exactly the message your potential customers are seeing with their business coming to you.

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Having a site just sitting there is not going to do anything. It needs attention just as much as your business does. 

Unmemorable is Forgotten Easy

If your information is outdated then it’s not a good sign to browsing customers.

You run the risk of visitors feeling you are behind the times or even worse, no longer trading. They are not going to enquire about anything on offer. The same can be felt about your overall layout and design.

Out of the box website designs from online free platforms may have been all the rage and an easily accessible product back when you start out, but everyone has had them and some people still do. It shows on the visitors also.

More importantly it may be vastly underselling and under-representing your brand. When you understand that your website is a 24/7 salesman for your company you begin to realise its the one part of your business that needs the resources to support the trading hours and the closed hours.

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Attracting the Right Traffic

Your website is about much more than a dash of pretty colours and stylish fonts.

Sure it is part of the overall package, but your website has to engage on many different levels to keep the right people knocking at your door and parting with their cash for your services. Pulling a few generic images off of the internet or stock photographs is not going to cut it in the current decade. If you have a product or service designed to attract a certain type of customer then take the time to lovingly craft around it online, with fresh images and up-to-date information.

What is the main business you want to attract? This is what you need to have towards the more focal areas of your website, leaving easily navigable sections for other services on offer.

Be sure to check every piece of content is consistent with the theme you choose for your website. Websites have a tendency to be like a story with a beginning, middle and end. If your sections are all over the place without a structure then people will be putting down the lid on their laptops like closing a confusing book.

Bringing It All to Date

Responsive web design is the current requirement for people browsing online through portable devices. They make up a larger amount of internet searches in today’s world.

If your website is not device friendly it can be a huge turnoff instead of a glorious new client. Stockport website design experts are at the forefront of responsive websites that really bend to suit the need of your next big piece of business. 

Countless techniques can be implemented to pull your website into the 21st century. Is it not about time that you give the internet the tools to do the job?

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