How to Plan a 100th Birthday Celebration

There are only a handful of us that will be lucky enough to see our loved ones reach their 100th birthday. With that in mind, when your family member reaches this crucial milestone, it’s important to have an idea of how you’re going to celebrate in style. 

Since your century-old family member or friend has already surpassed a number of major milestones, they’ll have some big expectations. The good news is that like any birthday party, it really is the thought that counts. Take the time to plan a party that you think your honouree will love, and you can rest assured that they’ll sense the effort that you’ve put in. 

100th birthday cake

Take it Easy

A 100th birthday party is a huge thing, that’s why it’s so tempting to get carried away with amazing events and activities for your loved one to do. You’ll want to make sure that they feel like the Queen, with tons of treats and great food. Just remember that you’re dealing with someone who’s probably going to have limitations on what they can actually do. 

Base your party plans around the abilities of your family member or friend. For instance, if you know that he or she can only manage a few hours before they need a nap, then a brief party that runs through the essentials as quickly as possible is a good idea. 

Make Pictures a Big Deal

It’s often difficult for older people to hear things, like announcements, speeches, and birthday songs. Although you can always ramp up the volume for the important things, like the “happy birthday” singing, it’s also worth making sure that there’s plenty of visuals for your older honouree to remember too. For instance, huge photos of your birthday boy or girl as she or he has looked throughout the years can be a great way to show that you’re celebrating their life. 

Bigger posters are often a good choice compared to smaller photographs, as the smaller the image is, the harder it’s going to be for your loved one to see. You could also make your birthday honouree a scrapbook of photos that they can take away with them to remember the day. 

birthday gift for 5 year old

Video Everything

Many of us have issues with our memory at the best of times. When you live to the incredible age of 100, there’s a good chance that you’re going to have even more trouble remembering what’s going on around you. In case your loved one ends up falling asleep or forgetting parts of the big day, make sure that they have a record that they can check out whenever they’re feeling nostalgic. 

It doesn’t take a lot of effort to create a video memory book these days. All you need is a smartphone that can capture video to get started. You can also hire professionals to come and take a video on your behalf. This is often a good idea if you’re looking for something highly professional that you can give as an extra gift to your loved one. Sites like this one has some great gift ideas for the elderly.

Make a Big Deal of Their History

One of the best things you can do during a 100th birthday party is look back over the amazing years that your loved one has spent on this earth and explore the things that they’ve accomplished. A video presentation with some facts about the year when your loved one was born is often a great option. You can also make some notes about each decades and give your loved one the microphone from time to time so that they can comment with a few memories whenever you talk about something special. 

Another great way to celebrate the amazing background of your birthday honouree is to look into their family tree. There are plenty of websites that can help with this today. Putting together a family tree is a great way to remind your loved ones of their background. At the same time, the other family members that attend the party might learn something too. 

Enjoy Yourself!

Remember, planning a birthday for a significant milestone age like a 100th birthday can put you under a lot of pressure. However, it’s important to remember that you should be having fun. This is an opportunity for you and your family to show your loved one how much you care about them, and how happy you are that you’re still around. 

Everything might not go exactly according to plan, but you can still have a lot of fun. 

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