Understanding Your Child’s Learning Style

The way that people absorb information is unique to each of us; this is called our learning style. The concept of learning styles became popular in the mid-70s and has since become paramount in influencing the education system. Parents who want to help their child at home would be wise to try and understand their child’s learning style. A prep school in Hertfordshire explores the key learning styles below.

There are lots of learning styles, but the three main ones are: visual learners, auditory learners and kinaesthetic (physical) learners. Essentially, most children prefer to learn through seeing, hearing, or touching. Sometimes these learning styles will cross over, but usually parents and teachers can establish a favoured way of learning within a child. 

Visual learners

Visual learners like to learn through observation. They use words on a page, diagrams, and colours to understand information better. They usually prefer to read books over listening to someone lecturing and tend to enjoy doodling. They also often have a good sense of direction. If you think your child might be a visual learner, help them by providing them with lots of coloured pens and paper so that they can take notes in a visually appealing way. 

Auditory learners

Auditory leaners typically have a good sense of rhythm and enjoy music. You might notice them reading aloud of favouring audiobooks over written text. When teaching an auditory learner about something new, verbal cues are often the best bet. 

Kinaesthetic learners

Kinaesthetic learners use their bodies and hands to experience the sense of touch. They tend to be drawn to more physical activities, such as science experiments, sports, art, and drama. They learn best when they can get their hands dirty, as opposed to listening or reading. If you have identified that your child is a kinaesthetic learner, encourage them to play outdoors and teach them new things through physical activities.

As you can see, understanding your child’s learning style will put you in a better position to teach them. Consider your own learning style, as this will interfere with your teaching methods; focus on your child’s learning style and avoid your own when teaching them a life lesson.

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