Optimism is important because it’s what allows us to remain positive, even in the face of adversity. We all have down days, but generally it’s good to try and maintain an optimistic outlook in order to stay happy and feel fulfilled throughout life. With that said, parents should try and encourage their children to be optimistic, using the following tips from an independent school in Hertfordshire.
Start by ensuring your child is given a positive home environment by demonstrating an uplifting and optimistic attitude yourself. Shield them from your stress and try and put a positive spin on things. For instance, if you’re preparing for a big presentation at work, don’t complain about it in front of your child. Instead, say things like “I’m sure it will go well as I have worked really hard on it”. If your child is disappointed in a bad grade on an exam, tell them that you are proud of them for trying their best and remind them that there’s always next time, as opposed to being hard on them.

Use family mealtimes as an opportunity to discuss things that you’re grateful for or something you’re excited about. Take the lead if your child is struggling to come up with something – it could be as simple as your colleague making you a coffee in the morning. This will help your child look at their life in a positive light, rather than dwelling on things that might be bothering them.
Encourage your child to pursue their interests and help them find ways to keep themselves entertained. If they rely on other people to provide them with fun experiences, they will find it difficult to find a sense of fulfilment in life. You should also chat to your child about their hopes and dreams for the future so that they can look ahead with confidence, rather than fearing the worst.